published in the magazine "Paracelsus",
8/VI 2009 (page 36-40), 9/VI 2009 (page 38-43)
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Español |
The Sacred Order I (Part II)
Both the mysterious memory of water and its astounding
ability to receive cosmic vibrations have a common cause: The extraordinary
order of its molecules. They join in the form of “sacred” platonic
bodies. Private researchers use this to “reenergize” dead
tap water by resonance.
Von Ulrich Arndt
secret of life is hidden in water. Not only old myths, esoteric
transmissions and alternative water researchers maintain that;
this statement also concurs with the progressive state of medical
knowledge. Dr. Alexis Carrel recognised that, “The cell
is immortal. Only the liquid in which the cell swims is subject
to degenerative processes,” a discovery that was especially
meaningful to the medical science of his time and could become
even more meaningful yet. For the laboratory proof of this discovery
Carrel received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1912. According
to him the precondition for “the cell’s eternal life” is
that the extra-cellular liquid is renewed regularly depending
on the nutrition and disposal of the metabolic residues. Scientists
confirmed exactly this basic principle.
Not every kind of water can guarantee eternal life of the cell.
The difference between an active biological cell liquid and ordinary
water, and therefore the secret of life, consists in its physical
structure, the spatial arrangement of the molecules – in
short: its geometry. A disturbance of this “order” is
linked with disease.
The well-known bio-physicist Karl S. Trincher established that
tumours start through the destruction of the water structure
in the cell, which means in the intra-cellular water. According
to Trincher’s hypothesis, a source of “non-living” water
is formed within the “living” cell water. This would
cause a permanent stimulus of the cell to divide itself. The
dramatic consequence: a cancer tumour begins to grow.
The structure of water is one of the big secrets of nature, which
has puzzled experts for a long time. In school already we are
taught something about its “abnormality.” Water is
the only matter on earth that appears in all three states of
aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous. Actually this contradicts
its formula H, O, from a chemical point of view, because it consists
of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Given this formula, it should
already boil at a temperature of minus 75 degrees Celsius. Instead
it is frozen at this temperature and only melts at zero degrees.
With 100 degrees, its boiling point is 175 degrees higher than
it theoretically should be.
Connected to this is yet another physical “irregularity” through
which aquatic living forms can only survive in minus degrees
in winter: All matter of the world increases in density with
decreasing temperature, except water. It has its greatest density
at 4 degrees Celsius. Because of this, the ice swims on the surface
of lakes and the fish and other water animals can “hibernate” at
the bottom.
At least for this anomaly science has found an explanation. The
individual molecules join together in long chains or nets, called “clusters,” which
is the cause for the anomaly. Approximately 700 water molecules
join structurally at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius. At
room temperature, they are 400 molecules and at 100 degrees still
50. These connections are in a constant process of dissolving
and of forming anew. Recently another spectacular characteristic
of these clusters was discovered: They can unite into even larger
regular geometric forms – yet not into random shapes but
into the five known “platonic bodies” * tetrahedron,
cube (hexahedron, star- tetrahedron), octahedron, dodecahedron
and icosahedron (of 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 areas limited body). Thus,
a single H O- molecule with the charged fields of hydrogen and
oxygen forms a tiny little tetrahedron (see fig., page 42). A
short time ago a research group led by A. Welfort-Castleman Jr.,
specialist for physical chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania,
succeeded in proving that the water tetrahedrons can form dodecahedral
structures from twenty molecules similar to the pattern on a
soccer ball. This way complex and more stable structures are
formed – a kind of liquid crystal, which, as Castleman
Jr. could prove as well, could even remain steady in steam.
* Forms, which consist of even areas (such as square,
triangle or pentagon) and where there is always the same number
of edges meeting in the same angles at the corners, are called
platonic bodies. If a sphere is put around such a body, only its
corners touch the spherical surface; the inside of the sphere only
touches the body in the middle of the individual areas.
Professor Cvril W. Smith, researcher of water and
electro smog at Salford University thinks it is possible that there
are further stable “superlattice” (super-structures).
He supposes that homeopathic shaking or the treatment with magnetic
fields form amongst others “five pointed spiral structures,
dodecahedric clusters.” In these structures water molecules
in the form of dodecahedrons form into a spiral pearl necklace.
The higher the energy content of water the more complex the structures
that form. In 1995 Professor Lande of the University of Berkeley,
California, succeeded in proving the existence of such “buckyball” structures
(see page 44). The exciting part: most progressive physical findings
and deep esoteric knowledge of the “holy bodies” of
sacred geometry and the connected teaching of harmonics meet here.
There are five spacious structures considered as images of holy
dimensions and harmonics, and therefore also of divine energy in
the esoteric-philosophical directions influenced by Pythagoras
and Plato. They are related to each one of the five elements – fire
(tetrahedron), earth (cube), air (octahedron), ether (dodecahedron)
and water (icosahedron).
Keplers planetary model
with nested platonic bodies |
The astronomer Johannes Kepler, who discovered the
laws of the planetary movements, was aware of the sacred symbolism
of these
bodies. In his mathematical research of “expansive harmonics,” he
related certain platonic bodies to the mean distances between the
sun and planets. According to his hypothesis the movement of the
planets is not only connected with certain platonic bodies - quasi “vibrating
figures” – but also with certain frequencies and sounds
via the respective times of circulation.
Similarly different esoteric teachings suppose an influence of
such planetary vibrations on the earthly creation. This should
take place according to the law of resonance as it is known from
the teachings of Hermes Trismegistos and of music and as it manifests
through resonance of several over tones when a string is touched.
Alternative researchers presume now such a cosmic resonance capability
in the characteristics of water through vibrations of resonance
figures of similar form, namely platonic bodies and their electromagnetic
qualities. Science has proven so far that water is influenced by
specific planetary constellations, as well as the sun and the moon
(see part 2 of this article in the previous copy). Likewise, the
existence of yet unknown planetary vibrations, which supposedly
contain a special kind of electromagnetism, has been proven.
It is most astounding how water responds to specific vibrating
influences. For decades the research of the Swiss doctor and naturalist
Hans Jenny has shown the unbelievable diversity of forms that can
be generated through the impact of different frequencies on a liquid.
This way, a water drop or water in a bowl form under certain vibrations – amongst
others – tetrahedrons and dodecahedrons, or comparable three
or five-edged symmetrical patterns. These con-tinue into yet smaller
dimensions and can be seen only under a microscope, enlarged several
hundred times, as known from the famous fractals of the chaos research.
However, it is unclear whether these fractal, “resonance
of forms” are effective up to a tremendous size, or even
to the point of cosmic sources.
Some specialists have now attempted to utilize the surprising phenomenon
of the formation of platonic bodies for the vitalization of water,
as for example the Austrian company “Rayex” with their “Wateractive-Pipe.” The
hollow body of fifteen centimetres length, which is wrapped around
the water pipeline, contains certain minerals that were pressed
into the form of platonic bodies and embedded into a mass of cement.
For eight years, the Viennese Dr. Gernoth Graefe has researched
the energetic influence of rock flours and their particle size
on plants, animals and humans. With the help of blood pressure
measurements, the pulse- and breathing frequency, the release of
endocrines, the skin’s resistance, muscle contractions as
well as kinesiological testing and radiaesthetic mining, he discovered
that minerals can neutralize the electromagnetic radiation and
decrease the resulting stress for humans respectively.
There seems to be interactions between certain forms of minerals
and electromagnetic frequencies similar to a sender and an antenna.
By treating water with the “Rayex-Pipe,” one attempts
to use this effect to “press” more energetic structures
into water. At the same time, the harmful substances, which were
stored in the poorer energetic order, should be eliminated with
this molecular transformation. Whether the water molecules really
join to more complex geometries through the “Rayex-Pipe” is
not yet proven. Currently, the “energized” water is
examined at the Vienna Academy of Science.
The German-American author Barbara Luetgebrune (Manual of the California
Flower Therapy) believes that the fact that cosmic or divine energy,
which according to esoteric teachings should flow into matter through
the form of platonic bodies, could be directly used for the energizing
of water. “I mentally transmit pure consciousness into a
quartz crystal, which then releases the energy for the purification
of tap water,” she maintains. Thus the “Universal Transformation
Water,” as Luetgebrune calls it, should reinstate the biological
balance and “improve the integration into the divine order.” Microscopic
photos (enlargement 1:840) really do show changes: The mineral
crystals were dissolved into smaller structures. Further tests
do no exist.
Wolfgang Wiedergut, physicist and head of the research group for
Free Energy “Bindu” in Graz, has developed a theory
through which the mysterious connection between water structure, “holy
geometry” and energy could be explained: “The specific
density of a matter, also of water, is dependent on its inner geometric
structure. When stimulated by energy, matter tries to reduce its
surface to be able to hold energy for a long time. This leads to
the forming of clusters and more complex geometric forms.” Initially
the simple, low-energy tetrahedron molecules of water would reform
into more energy-rich octahedron forms in flowing and naturally
whirling water. If the flow of the water stops, the water falls
back into the tetrahedron structure. This is connected to the increase
of the surface and the reduction of the density, which benefits
the evaporation. If the water molecules should form more complex
structures than dodecahedrons, the water should be supplied with
more “whirling energy.”
The natural force of the whirling movement, which is used through
different methods of water “revitalization” (see also
part 1 and 2), could also be replaced through different methods
of “energizing” and “information.” Worldwide,
however, there are very few specialized laboratories technically
equipped to test water geometry at this time. Other tests can only
deliver an indirect proof: Castelman’s research group at
the University of Pennsylvania could show that the water geometry
forms around ions to which the molecules attach themselves, much
like they would attach themselves to an electric “centre
of crystallization” thereby further integrating the ions
into the water. For example such a stronger attachment of ions
can be verified by the Biophotonic Analysis of Dr. Fritz Albert
Popp and on the basis of the (reduced) surface tension. Several
of the “Water-Revitalization” methods presented have
proved this.
Nevertheless it is unclear if this effect could not have been caused
by anything else than a “higher geometry.” At least
the joining of the water molecules can take place according to
different “construction plans.” At the University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, cluster formation was found that
lets light rays with a left or right spin through (left or right
spin polarization), depending if the geometrical forms surround
a negatively (right spin) or a positively charged ion.
Alternative water researchers believe to have found the cause for
why the water’s ability to spin left or right can be tested
with the help of a tensor or a pendulum. They assert that only “right
spinning” water is beneficial for a person’s health.
Also holy and healing springs are almost exclusively “right
spinning.” However, there are no scientific tests for that.
At the biophysical department of the University of Salzburg, laboratory
tests with human fibroblasts (in vitro reproducible connective
tissue cells) show that an overall evaluation is questionable.
In the process – at least in the test-tube – positively
charged ions (that cause “left spinning” water) emerged
as an effective “killer” of cell toxins, the so-called “free
All these still widely unexplored characteristics are not only
most interesting from a hydrological and esoteric perspective,
but have a direct influence on each person, namely on the energy
of their cells and thereby on their entire health condition as
was anticipated by the discovery of Dr. Carrel mentioned in the
beginning. In their analysis of body cells and their function,
doctors and biophysicists have so far neglected the cell water
that accounts for 75 per cent of the cells’ content.
The Sacred Order II
Yet another mysterious anomaly of water leads us
to understand why its unusual geometry is so important for the “eternal” life
of the cells: If you want to heat up water by 1 degree you need
a certain amount of energy. However if you heat it from 36 to 37
degrees Celsius you have to add much more energy than usual. Therefore
this temperature forms a sort of energy barrier; a second one is
only 1.5 degrees higher. At 37.5 degrees water has the highest
flexibility for the reformation of its molecule geometry according
to the theoretic model of the well-known biophysicist Karl S. Trincher.
Exactly within this temperature range, between 36 and 37.5 degrees,
resides the normal body temperature of humans and of many other
warm blooded creatures (between 36 and 42 degrees Celsius). This
means that cell water with this temperature can respond most flexibly
to the energy supply through “geometry” or use the
stored energy in the geometry for metabolic processes. Where does
the energy, which can cause this restructuring in the human body,
come from?
Dr. Patrick Flanagan believes to have solved this mystery. The
American researcher, who at the age of 17 was counted among the
10 best scientists of the United States, who at the age of 19 already
worked in the Gemini Space Programme of the NASA and who at 23
years of age worked with dolphins at a military communication programme,
has invented over 300 technical discoveries to this day. For over
20 years, he has been trying to discover the secrets of water.
Formerly Dr. Henri Coanda, the father of fluid dynamics, asked
him to continue his life’s work, namely the research of the
legendary life-prolonging effects of the glacier water in the valley
of the Hunzas in the Himalayas. With his wife Gael Crystal, an
internationally known lecturer for nutrition, he discovered the
energizing effect of certain micro particles of this water in their
private institute in Sedona, Arizona.
Recently, Flanagan succeeded with a special 33-phase method (see
box, page 45) to further increase the “Hunza-Water-Effect.” The
results are special drops, called “Crystal Energy – Flanagan
Microcluster,” which can be added to every beverage. They
are supposed to transform purified water low in minerals into a
true spring of life with detoxifying, activating and harmonizing
effects on the health. The cause for this effect is found in the “sacred
geometry”: In a similar fashion the human body also needs
form building germs for the formation of its differently structured
liquids such as blood and cerebrospinal fluid, up to the cell and
lymphatic liquid as ions serve as centres of crystallization for
its structuring. While regular water contains very few “platonic
formed” molecules in a sea of formless water the proportion
of the water in the bodies of living creatures is supposed to be
reversed. If they absorb water they first have to produce “proper
liquids” from this. The different methods of “water
energizing” already presented seem to facilitate this by “pre-structuring” the
water. So called colloids serve as centres of crystallization for
the higher geometry in the organism. The body produces these electrically
charged “cores” from minerals. The minerals are covered
with a water-attracting layer of organic substances such as gelatines,
albumins, collagens and polysaccharides. For a certain time this
layer protects the colloids from discharging. For example such
colloids and water structured by them are found in raw fruits and
vegetables, which are the cause for the positive health-giving
effect of fruit fasting. Still more stable are colloids, which
have a protection from polymers (for example pure organic fatty
acid). Exactly such colloids are the secret of the Hunza Water,
which is supposed to be one of the main reasons that the members
of this Himalaya tribe often reach a biblical age of 120 to 140
years. Normally such colloids are only found in living creatures.
But the Hunza Water flows from the glaciers over special rocks
that contain large amounts of petrified wood. From this, fatty
acids are released that cover the colloids.
The same colloids are also numerously present in the human body.
They have a central role in the metabolism whereby the strength
of their electromagnetic charge is decisive, as Dr. Flanagan found
out. Normal colloids have a negative electric charge of only few
mill volts. Instead the Hunza-Version enclosed by fatty acids has
a 10 to 20 times higher negative electric charge of 40 millivolts.
The so-called Zeta-potential of the colloids provides transport
of all kinds in metabolism. Thanks to their high charge they attract
the nutrients and bring them to the cells or they arrange for “house
cleaning” by attracting the metabolic residues and transport
them through the body fluids. Thus they make sure that the cells
receive more energy and that the body becomes more vital. At least
equally important is a further function: By electric repulsion
the colloids effect that the components of the body fluids do not “stick
together”. Individual naturopathic doctors and biologists
suppose that for example the reduced flow ability of the blood
(to be seen in the dark field microscopy as clumping of red blood
cells, the so called “rouleau formation” and amongst
others a reason for high blood pressure) stems from a low Zeta
charge. The influence of the negatively charged colloids on the
blood consistency could go much further still: The vital mobility
of the primal components of life, of mini microscopic protein granules*,
is namely based on such electric negative repulsion.
Here researchers see a seemingly direct connection with the much
smaller colloids. The Nobel Prize winner in physics, Wolfgang Pauli,
sees the colloids as the perhaps most important link between the
organic and inorganic world. For the pioneer of colloid chemistry,
Thomas Riddick, the central significance of the colloid charges,
the Zeta potentials, is simply “a basic law of nature. The
Zeta potential has a decisive role in life. It is the force that
controls the many billion cells.” It is very important that
the colloid charges are not destroyed prematurely. This could happen
through imbalance of the mineral household (wrong nutrition), hormonal
disturbances, toxins, electromagnetic waves or through free radicals.
*in the microbiological teachings of Pleomorphism
as protites (professor Enderlein) or somatides (professor Oswald)
and in an article in the esotera of 12/94 and 1/95 called as primal
fungus nuclei
It is equally spectacular to discover a further function
of the colloids in the body: Biophotone researcher Dr. Fritz-Albert
Popp found out that the water geometry structured by colloids plays
an important role in cell communication. Only in such an ordered
water structure the cells can convey with the help of ordered light,
namely the ultra violet laser rays, information of the DNA-molecules.
The so called “water fibre” experiment shows clearly
what great effect the minute inner electric forces of water and
its minute colloids can unfold – prove of the existence of
further unexplored phenomena. A thin stream of water produces a
surprisingly high tension between 15.000 and 20.000 volts in its
environment. Only a very small electric current (about one milli-ampere
15 times per second) can be collected but it is sufficient to make
a fluorescent tube glow softly. The experimental set-up is very
simple: Two capillary streams of water, called water “fibres”,
drop out of two adjacent jets 10 centimetres into two isolated
collecting pans which are connected to collectors. If you touch
them with a conductor the fluorescent tube flashes.
Even more spectacular is a further phenomenon: Shortly before the
collecting pan the stream divides, and at this point often a very
weak bluish glow of the water is to be seen. The single drops begin
to move against the gravitational force towards the stream as if
moved by magic. In spiral orbits they move up 10 centimetres and
partly even additional 20 centimetres higher. It is unclear whether
these effects are caused by the electromagnetic field or by other
Studies of water passing obstacles and falling (1508-1509)
Leonardo da Vinci
Already in 1892 Nobel Prize winner Lenard described
the “electrifying” water
fibre effect. In the 30s the naturalist Viktor Schauberger examined
this more extensively. Several times he demonstrated these experiments
at the Hygiene Institute in Vienna in 1950 and in 1951 at English
universities. A Swedish research group led by the electrical engineer
Olof Alexandersson has successfully repeated this experiment in
the 60s. At the present time several private researchers work on
this. A further peculiarity of the electric characteristics of
water investigated this way is most interesting: According to Schauberger
the energy level fluctuates during the course of the day and should
have the lowest effect at 4 p.m. and the highest effect at 10 p.m.
Again this may indicate a possible influence of cosmic constellations – in
this case probably the influence of the position of the sun.
Dr. Flanagan could prove the close interaction between electric
charges, geometric structures in water and a further unresolved
influence of cosmic factors. At the request of the private German
researcher Oswald Bartel, who co-developed a new instrument for
the so-called “pressure-push-ionisation,”* he examined
the vibrational resonances of distilled water that had been ionized
with this new procedure (“refilled” and “geometrized” with
charge carriers). It showed several electromagnetic resonances
with a focal point in the area between 7 and 10 Hertz. There are
the so-called Schuhmann Waves of the earth as well as the area
of the human brain waves (Alpha – and Theta waves).
The mysterious characteristics of the source of life seem to emerge
only in a complex interaction between the “charging” of
the water (respectively the colloids contained therein), the connected
(electromagnetic and cosmic) resonance phenomena and the forming
of complex geometric forms in the water structure (such as octahedron
or dodecahedron and spiral clusters). This way water is characterized
as universal solvent, reservoir and means of transport not only
in the human organism but also on the entire earth. It fills the
space of the deepest depth of the rocks up to the upper atmosphere.
It is memory, source and receiver of “information” up
to the finest cosmic “vibrations” of the planets.
Thus the keeping clean of our waters and the restoration of naturally
whirling river beds becomes even more significant – above
all if you call into awareness a most astounding fact: Water is
the only naturally appearing liquid on the surface of our earth
(there is no other where water is not contained as a solvent).
Generally it can be equalized with the liquid medium underlining
its role as a “mediator” between the solid and gaseous
(and subtle). The intensive research of water leads to the depth
of esoteric knowledge and it still has not revealed all of its
secrets. If in the beginning of this series of articles our body
was compared to a big “water puddle,” now you can even
compare it more significantly: The human being is a constantly
reforming, vibrating liquid crystal. *The medium to be ionized within a capsule is subject
to lightly increased pressure of alternating higher and lower tension
in the
process of “pressure-push-ionization.” Thus for example
oxygen can be ionized without forming ozone. For medical-therapeutic
purposes it is the most exact single method for water “energizing.” Medical
professionals report of astounding lasting detoxifications.
Author’s contact address:
Ulrich Arndt
79312 Emmendingen–Mundingen
Mail: info@horusmedia.de |
Bildquellen: ©Basilius Presse Basel, ©Verlag Hermann Bauer, ©W.Wagner, ©Patrick Flanagan, ©Franz Arnoul |