first published in the magazine "Paracelsus" october
2004 (side 10-14)
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Español |
The Way into the Light - The Teachings of Chakra
in Alchemy
The alchemists called the chakras ‘seals
of the planets’ or ‘furnaces of the soul’. The
specialty of the Alchemical teachings is that there are three levels
of energy on which the chakras take effect: they are called Nigredo,
Albedo and Rubedo. The aim of practical alchemy is to reach the
highest level of vibrancy, which is linked to a profound development
of personality and consciousness.
By Ulrich Arndt
The aim of alchemical research and of the practical work in the laboratory
is to fathom out the flow of life energy in order to illuminate’ the
dark, the sick and the unconscious and ‘direct it into the light’.
Great alchemists such as Paracelsus have reached discernment and transcribed
their wisdom into practical remedies, namely special elixirs from metals,
gems and plants. But what did the alchemists mean by life energy and
how may it enliven man and nature?
According to the idea of the alchemists (and to old Ayurvedic teachings
on health) life energy is closely connected to the ‘light of the
seven planets’. The seven planets were added to the five planets
known at that time: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and
Moon (in Ayurveda there are nine planets, here both moon knots-’planets’ Rahu
and Ketu are included as well). Everything on earth emerges from the
rays or energies of these planets. Like in a prisma, the planets divide
the divine ‘light of creation’ into seven qualities. These
create the four elements: earth, water, fire and air (as well as the
fifth one, the secret, holy element, the ether) and the three alchemical
basic principles sal, sulphur and mercury (simplified they correspond
to the body, soul and spirit). Metals, minerals, gems, plants, animals
and also man originate through the various combinations of the seven
planet-energies, the four elements and the three basic principles. The
prevailing ‘blend’ determines what will emerge and what kind
of character it will have. Concerning human beings, Paracelsus therefore
emphasizes: “When a child is born, its firmament will be born with
the seven organs, which have the power to become like the seven planets,
thus to become everything that belongs to his firmament.” In his
comprehensive scriptures Paracelsus often refers to the great influence
that the planets have on the well-being of man – on his physical
organs, as well as on his nature and his ‘astrale’, namely
on the energetic system of the human being.
The scriptures by Paracelsus portray the complexity and the impact of
the planetary forces and demonstrate the profound thoughts in alchemy.
But Paracelsus, who was the founder of ‘modern’ medicine
and at the same time probably the most famous alchemist in history, did
not stand alone. Many centuries ago up until the 18th century, alchemy
was a form of scientific knowledge that was well acknowledged. Goethe
and Newton studied the main works of alchemy, ranging from the works
of Paracelsus to the ‘Aurea Catena’, and they naturally practised
small laboratory examinations. In the last two hundred years individual
disciplines such as biology, medicine, chemistry, pharmacology, physics,
geology, astronomy and psychology developed from the universal science
of alchemy. Other fields such as astrology, geomancy, energetic knowledge
and hermetic philosophy were assigned to ‘occult science’,
esoterics or ‘Para-science’ (para-psychology etc.). In alchemy
and for Paracelsus all this knowledge was still connected. ‘As
it is above, so it appears below’ is an alchemic-hermetical basic
principle according to which the effects of the seven planets were investigated.
The alchemists did not only study the influence of the planets during
the formation and emergence of gems, metals or plants and the ‘astrological
aspects’ at birth, but they also experimented on themselves and
their patients, to see how the flow of these seven life energies of the
planets was changed by outer and inner influences, and how this flow
could be supported and cultivated. This is captured in the alchemical
teachings of the chakras and the three energetic levels and qualities ‘Nigredo’, ‘Albedo’ and ‘Rubedo’,
which have been addressed in the first article on ‘The Life Elixirs
of Paracelsus’ and in the last issue on the ‘Secret Vitriol
seven-pointed Star’, where the path of life energy was mentioned
The Chakra-Model
In the alchemical chakra model the seven planets each send three
different ‘qualities of energy’ to the earth that – simply
expressed – correspond to the vibrancy of the body, soul
and spirit of each planet (in alchemy: sal, sulphur and mercury).
Each of the three planet qualities may find resonance within the
chakras of a human being and so the three different levels of vibrancy
of the alchemical chakra model originated. The vibrancy of sal
(= body) corresponds to the planets of the lowest level of vibration
of chakras, the so-called level of ‘Nigredo’. The vibrancy
of sulphur (= soul) corresponds to the planets of the level of ‘Albedo’ and
the highest level of vibration, the mercury-vibration (= spirit)
corresponds to the level of ‘Rubedo’.
(= blackness), the lowest level of vibration, support of
solidification processes, body, sal
(= whiteness), middle level of vibration, dissolving and
distributing processes are supported, soul, sulphur
(= the red) the highest level of vibration, processes of
regulation and harmonization are supported, spirit, mercury
The names are related to the colours arising during the Great Work, i.e.
the transmutation of lead from the lowest vibrancy to the high vibrating,
bright gold. In the course of this process matter transforms from the
black to white (and the yellow) up to the red.
In a healthy, conscious person the three qualities of energy of each
of the seven planets are in harmonious balance. The state of utmost harmony
corresponds to the level of Rubedo, because when everything harmoniously
flows into each other and the energy flow is neither hindered nor blocked,
then life energy will flow most intensively through man and he will be
able to completely develop his forces of consciousness. A healthy person
will also need parts of the lower-vibrating Nigredo- respectively sal-planet-vibration,
because they affect compression and crystallization, e.g. during the
formation of bones and solid parts of tissue. However, if this quality
of energy is very dominant, then man ‘falls’ with his whole
being into the lowest level of vibration, the Nigredo – he becomes ‘petrified’ and ‘sclerotic’ in
body, spirit and soul (in alchemy in fact interpreted as the ‘fall
to sin’). On the other hand if the dissolving principle of Albedo
respectively sulphur is dominant, the person will suffer from inflammatory,
feverish diseases and loose himself to his emotions. But the harmony
of Rubedo is reached by inner development and insight. Only through the
process of inner ‘maturing’ are we able to cope with daily
influences in a flexible way, without drifting off course and loosing
our energetic harmony.
alchemical illustration of the chakras with the symbols of the
planets. Here the lowest level of vibrancy of the chakras, the
Nigredo level is presented, therefore the person is hatched in
The alchemical teachings therefore also include a model of development
of materials as well as the human being – from the ‘dark’,
low swinging and unconscious into ‘light’ and wisdom.
The three steps of development of Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo were thus
also understood as different degrees of bodily, mental and spiritual
healing, inner maturity and development of consciousness. To support
this highest state of energy and harmony the alchemists produced the ‘High
Arcanas’, great alchemical remedies developed from metals and gems,
which are today produced again according to recipes of Paracelsus.
Nigredo, ‘blackness’
The most famous alchemical illustration of chakras and their ‘planet
seals’ was conceived by Johann Georg Gichtel (1638–1710),
an Alchemist from Regensburg in Germany. According to the description
the picture depicts an “entirely earthy, natural, sinister
man; in stars and elements” and shows how “the wheel
of planets, in seven diabolical seals, is laid down on the soul”.
At the time, a planetary wheel was described as the course of the
seven stars around the earth. In his illustration Gichtel arranged
the seven classical planets on the human body and assigned each
of them to one of the seven vices or deadly sins, such as pride,
stinginess and jealousy. Gichtel wanted to demonstrate the circumstances
under which – more precisely under which chakra-relation – the
planets evoke negative aspects in man. This planet-chakra-resonance
corresponds to the lowest state of vibrancy, the Nigredo. Therefore
the figure was also hatched in black.
On this lowest energetic level the root-chakra resonates with the sal-vibrancy
of the Moon, the spleen/sexual-chakra with the lowest mercurial vibration,
the solarplexus-chakra with Venus, the heart-chakra with the sal-vibration
of the Sun, the throat-chakra with Mars, the brow-chakra with Jupiter
and the crown-chakra with the sal-vibration of Saturn.
The personality of Nigredo: When the ‘dark’ sal-vibrations
of the planets are dominant in man, then the capability of self-reflexion
is not very high. These persons are easy to manipulate and are absent-minded.
For them the world only consists of their own desires and needs, which
they follow unscrupulously. The Nigredo-persons are dominated by simple
patterns of emotions dominating their cognitive capacity.
Every person may be confined to the Nigredo-phase for a while. Then everything
seems stuck and hardened, nothing moves anymore and a sense of suffocation
is felt. ‘Hardening diseases’ such as the stiffening of the
limbs, ‘arteriosclerosis’ and other diseases of deposition
appear. A permanent inner alchemical transformation is initiated by the
strengthening of the fiery, of sulphur, through the transformation of
the emotions and the strengthening of the ‘heart quality’.
With the aid of alchemical essences such as pearl, gold, silver and emerald,
a change may be especially supported. The pearl-essence, which was highly
estimated by Paracelsus and rated the second important elixir after gold,
adds to a stronger contact with one’s own emotions, and emerald
strengthens the higher qualities of the heart. Gold brings back the vital
life energy and silver nourishes our soul with motherly care and security.
For those who cannot find the way out of a dilemma and daily routine,
essences of diamond and amethyst are helpful. Essences of gold, sapphire
and iron will give strength and courage to take a new path.
Albedo, ‘whiteness’
In the illustration of Gichtel a hint is given to the way planet
may positively interact and how the vices can be transformed into
virtues: It is the marked spiral connecting all ‘chakra seals’ alternating
between the top and bottom. In this new sequence it shows the way
out of ‘blackness’ into the level of Albedo. Depending
on whether one considers the heart or the cortex to be the origin,
this new planet sequence refers to the ‘path of the heart’,
respectively the ‘path of the mystic’. However, these
planet-chakra-resonances are only a purifying, overcoming intermediate
stage, overcoming the stiffness of Nigredo on the way to the highest
level of transformation, the vibrancy of Rubedo.
The personality of Albedo: When Albedo-forces of planets are dominant,
the emotions are easily aroused. Nevertheless, a person tries to improve
self-reflexion and attentiveness. However his sexuality is often contradictory
to the development of a higher form of love (this does not mean he should
avoid sex). Similar to the way the substances are distilled and purified
in a laboratory, man is purified by ‘fire’ and ‘water’ of
the emotions. During the development of higher heart qualities he will
always make a better choice between ‘light and darkness’ and
will form his character and his qualities of consciousness. Fears, trauma
and blockages are dissolved and the entire energy will flow with full
strength into the chakras.
In this phase the ‘heart-essence’ emerald as well as the
essence of gold and silver are the best helpers in connection with both
rescue-blends from the seven metals and nine gems. Here the pearl-essence
helps recognise fears still hidden. In addition, diamond, amethyst, zircon
and vitriol show the way to the entrance of the higher spiritual levels.
Rubedo, ‘redness’
This third sequence of the seven planets is encoded in a certain
geometrical figure by the alchemists: the ‘Vitriol seven-pointed
star’. It was already referred to in connection with the
geomantic seven-pointed star of the Templers in France, the ‘line
of the Grail’, and the extensive energetic system of the
In the Vitriol seven-pointed star the planetary sequence of Nigredo is
also encoded. The planetary order corresponds with a circular connection
of the seven planetary rays. The Albedo sequence connects the planets
of the seven-pointed star in a zigzag with the ray of the Sun (and thus
with the line of the Grail, see last issue) at the top. Now the Rubedo
sequence results, if one follows the rays of the star through its centre
up to the opposing ray, which means from Saturn to Venus and via Jupiter,
Mercury, Mars and the Moon up to the Sun – comparable to the lines
of a pentacle, instead of the connecting encirclement through the edges
of a pentagram.
On the level of Rubedo the root-chakra vibrates in resonance with the
highest vibration of the Sun, the spleen-chakra with the Moon, the solarplexus-chakra
with Mars, the heart-chakra with Mercury, the throat.chakra with Jupiter,
the brow-chakra with the mercurial vibration of Venus and the crown-chakra
with the highest vibration of Saturn. Alchemical healing happens when
the chakras start resonate with this highest vibrancy.
The personality of Rubedo: when the vibrancy of Rubedo related to the
planets is dominant in us, we own the distinct ability for self-observation
and self-reflexion. Our spiritual development becomes an inner need.
A Rubedo-person recognises that his body represents a cosmic ‘laboratory’,
by which he is able to learn and experiment with his mind. He himself
is in the position to complete creation and is able to guide his organism
to the greatest possible amplification of vibrancy.
The point now is to preserve the Rubedo-state as well as permanent flow
of daily life. Reaching such a state for the first time is no guarantee
to remain in this heightened harmony and energetic level. There are many
reports on ‘fallen masters’. Here the rhythmical application
of the respective, daily changing essence is helpful. Each weekday is
subject to a planet that acts as the ‘ruler’, which means
that the energy of this planet is dominant and affects us the most on
that day. This very old knowledge is preserved in the names of the weekdays
and in the divinity of planets (see table). Since ancient times a main
metal and a main gem (as well as a certain plant) is assigned to each
of the seven planets. And exactly these essences are applied on the respective
day. Thereby the energetic system is optimally attuned to the highest
level of vibrancy of the planets – man vibrates in the natural
rhythm of life energy on our planet: on Sundays the root-chakra is activated
more strongly, on Tuesdays the second chakra and so on from day to day
up to the crown-chakra on Saturday.
The next article will address the fact that these influences of the planets
are not at all just an allegorical idea of the alchemists, but that they
can today be proved with measuring instruments and that planetary energy
in fact influences certain metals and organs.
1 see “Paracelsus – Health & Healing” issue
no. 11
Arndt, Ulrich: Schätze der Alchemie: Edelstein-Essenzen, and Schätze
der Alchemie: Metall-Essenzen. Both: Freiburg/Germany: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
Testreports of Paracelsus essences: www.life-testinstitut.de und www.edelstein-essenzen.de
In the VITRIOL formula
the different planetary resonances to the chakras are encoded
in the three energetic levels of Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo. |
Teaching of chakra in Alchemy
Chakra |
Nigredo |
Albedo I
path of the mystic
Albedo II
path of the Heart
Weekday |
Paracelsus Essence |
8. Chakra |
Rahu |
(related to Saturday) |
Zircon |
7. Crown chakra |
Saturn |
Saturn |
Sun |
Saturn |
Saturday = day of Saturn (as Sun-evening it marks the holy
day before Sunday which is the start of the week) |
Amethyst, Vitriol |
6. Forehead chakra |
Jupiter |
Moon |
Venus |
Venus |
Friday = day of Freya (Freya, the Germanic goddess of love
is the counterpart to the Roman goddess of planets Venus) |
Diamond, Copper |
5. Throat chakra |
Mars |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Jupiter |
Thursday, in German Donnerstag = day of Donar (Germanic counterpart
to Jupiter) |
Sapphire, Pewter |
4. Heart chakra |
Sun |
Mercury |
Mercury |
Mercury |
Wednesday = original day of Mercury (French mercredi), in
German Mittwoch = the middle of the week beginning on Sunday,
not on Monday; in this way its planet Mercury as well marks
the centre of the Chakra-sequence, the mediating heart-centre |
Emerald, Zinc |
3. Solar plexus chakra |
Venus |
Mars |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Tuesday = day of Zius (Germanic counterpart to Mars; French
mardi) |
Yellow topaz, Iron |
2. Spleen/ sexual chakra |
Mercury |
Venus |
Moon |
Moon |
Monday – day of Moon |
Pearl, Silver |
1. Root chakra |
Moon |
Sun |
Saturn |
Sun |
Sunday – day of Sun |
Ruby, Gold |
Foot-Chakras |
Ketu |
(related to Sunday) |
Chrysoberyll |
The three phases of development: Nigredo, Albedo
und Rubedo and the assignment of each planet to the chakras.
The Paracelsus-essences are atuned in resonance with the highest
energetic level of the chakras: the level of Rubedo and will
help to reach and maintain this level. (from the book: ‘Schätze
der Alchemie: Metall-Essenzen” (Treasures of Alchemy:
Metal essences), Hans-Nietsch-Verlag (publishing house), Freiburg) |
Bildquellen: ©Hans Nietsch Verlag
Anzeige ---------------- |
der Bücher „Edelstein-Essenzen“ und „Metall-Essenzen“ im
Bezug alchemistische Rubedo-Essenzen im Esoterikfachhandel.
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