first published in the magazine "Paracelsus" 4/2011, 6/VIII, (side 11-14)
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With “Mountain Air“ and “Barozyklon“
In his practise of naturopathy in Ludwigsburg (Germany) the physician Anatoli Matenko utilizes Russian high tech machines of bio-medicine and a special suggestion therapy – with amazing healing results.
Ulrich Arndt
At first sight the practise appears unimposing. However, it contains something which is probably not found outside of Russia anywhere else: a composition of Russian high-tech machines of bio-medicine, which are normally reserved for the political and military celebrities and moneyed private patients in Russia. Matenko succeeded to bring the therapy units to Germany only because of many years of personal contacts with the “Scientific Clinical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation” and with the well-known inventor and physician Professor Fomin PhD, who has, quite unusually, both a professorship for medicine and for bio-physics in Russia. It is really peculiar that what is considered to be of highest level in orthodox medicine in Russia, and the effectiveness of which is proven through important clinical studies, is seen as “alternative medicine” here (in Germany). Therefore, Matenko, who was born in Estonia, in spite of his wide range of medical qualification in Russia and Estonia as a physician, specialist for pulmonary diseases, psychiatrist and addiction therapist, runs a practise as a naturopath since his migration to Germany in 1992.
From “A” like “Anotron”…..
When coming into the treatment room a kind of sauna glass cabin attracts attention right away: the “Barozyklon”. This is the first modern therapy unit which has been developed by Professor Fomin. However, inside the patient does not break a sweat, but is exposed to a smooth pulsating change of compression. “In this way the blood vessels are trained, “decalcified” and as a result regain elasticity,” Matenko explains. According to the medically proven scope of application of the “Barozyklon” the power of the brain generally improves, the blood pressure is normalized and all organs are trained and rejuvenated. Of course, I test the machine: the pumps start with a slurp to transform the inner air of the small cabin, in short turns, from over to under pressure. But I can hardly feel it, it is not stressful at all – solely in the air do I perceive a slight difference in pressure, just like when driving uphill or downhill. “Especially after a cerebral apoplexy or a heart attack, a rather astonishing success is possible within approximately four to six weeks,” Matenko assures.
Alphabetically, the first of the machines developed by Professor Fomin for his avant-garde “Biophysical healing complex” is the “Anotron”. On a simple stand hangs a disk, through which the entire body is perfused from a special electric field of tension. In this way the acidity balance in the tissues is renormalized, the organs are detoxified, and inflammations are healed. The “Anotron” has a strong anti-oxidative, tumour-inhibiting effect, and the body becomes more resistant against harmful environmental factors such as chemical toxins and strain from radioactivity, micro-waves and mobile phones,” Matenko cites from the medical registration, and continues to report: “I use it mainly for the treatment of all kinds of pain, in neuralgias, depression, heavy metal poisoning and for detoxification and purification as such.” There is a large scale of other machines for possible treatments which have mostly been developed by Professor Fomin himself, or which Matenko additionally includes in his therapeutic concept – all of them according to “orthodox medical standards” as the naturopath emphasizes – of course, this is according to Russian standard and not German, as the latter lags far behind in such bio-physical methods. For example, there is the so-called “molecular cell tissue regulator” where, through contact with the skin, the patient is perfused with 3000 volts per micro second. What is merely perceived as a slight prickling is said to normalize all tissue functions and to regenerate the cells. Hence, inflammations in the joints (arthritis), nervous pain and various inflammations in the organs and tissues are diminished. Bulging scars and bone excesses disappear, cramps are loosened, and kidney and gall stones are dissolved. Also, intestinal and gland activities are rebalanced.
In allergies, for strengthening of the immune system, and for a better wound healing, Matenko utilizes the “Etrans”. Also, migraine, pain and arthrosis are alleviated through the help of this transcranial (stimulating the brain through the cranial bone) electro-stimulation.
Brand new special glasses with light diodes sending weak light signals onto the retina, and hence stimulating the visual nerve and the brain area, can balance the vegetative nervous system, alleviate short-sightedness and convergent squint, and can even help in cataract, macula and glaucoma diseases.
The rather untechnical “method of mountain air” helps to strengthen the immune system. Here, the patient inhales an aerial mix simulating thin mountain air in an altitude of approximately 5800 meters above sea level. Russian scientists found out that children in the womb are partly fed with such “mountain air” only, which strengthens the immune system – and in adults this mechanism still works.
Besides other bio-physical machines, there are also scores of modern types of the rather well-known haemogram. Thereby, the lymphocytes and special white corpuscles, the so-called segmented neutrophils, are defined and the results entered into a software. The latter individually determines the appropriate herbal medicine, such as the Siberian Taiga root or ginseng, and according to the “activation therapy according to Professor Garkawi”, generates the appropriate number of drops to be taken. Indeed, the physician found out that herbal substances have a significantly better effect when the daily dosage to be taken varies, and follows a certain algorithm.
Amazing healing results
Matenko applies a number of those innovative biophysical methods to every patient. “For about 60 to 70 percent of patients who can no longer be helped by orthodox medicine, help is still possible,” assures the therapist. “However, all those machines can do nothing unless there is also a treatment of consciousness and psyche. The pattern of the disease has to be deleted in our ‘biological computer’, in the brain,“ Matenko clearly points out. To achieve this he uses a special kind of suggestive therapy he refined. “Every disease leaves imprints in the brain. We have to find these imprints and influence them”. Obviously, his treatment results prove him right:
75 year old Christa Biedermann became diseased in both eyes, a teary-eyed macular degeneration, whereby her eyesight was strongly restricted – her right eye was able to see 10% only. Treatment in the eye clinic – with injections among other things – could in the best case stop the blood stain in the eye, and stop the progression of the disease. After only 4 weeks of treatment from Matenko, her general state of health initially improved considerably. “I can better sleep through the night, my anxiety states I suffered from for more than twenty years mostly disappeared, and the tinnitus, too, which plagued me for more than 5 years, considerably decreased,” Christa Biedermann tells me. “My blood pressure is more stable, and to achieve this I could reduce my medicine by the half. In total, I am much more relaxed and better able to concentrate.” After two more weeks of treatment from Matenko the blood stain in the eye had disappeared, to the surprise of the medicating eye specialist. The ability to see also slightly improved. “I can recognize faces and orient myself in my kit-chen,” she delightfully says. The treatment is continued and is supposed to bring further improvement.
Frieda Weber, 66 years of age, suffered from joint and muscular pain for more than 40 years, which was later on diagnosed as fibromyalgia. Since 1992, she took seven to eight pain killers daily; some years later it became 12, and additionally, every 8 hours she used an extremely strong analgesic. Since 1997 she was pill addicted, suffered from side effects like pruritus, sleeping disturbances, dyspnoea, attacks of sweating, stomach and intestinal disturbances and lack of concentration. “Owing to Matenko’s treatment program my pain alleviated to 80 percent today,” she says. “My pill addiction is over, I no longer have sweat attacks and both the pruritus and the lack of breath have abated. Stool has also regularized. I am able to lead a normal life which I had not considered possible any more.”
“You have to get along with your headache and you may no longer practice high-performance sports”, the medical summary was when Christian Bette became released. Mononucleosis and three blows to the back of the head suffered in a fall were diagnosed as cause of his strong steady headache that he was tormented with for nearly one year. “After a few weeks of treatment through Mr. Matenko my pain disappeared, and today I can do sports again,” reports Christian Bette thankfully.
Only seven treatments with the Barozyklon and other methods helped 75 year old Martha Kulbarts to get rid of her fits of dizziness, and to reduce the high blood pressure and “I found a new interest in life”, says the retiree.
Anatoli Matenko can refer to many amazing healing results and thankful patients due to his unusual therapy machines; but nevertheless, he points out: “After all, the most important is the mind. We also have to positively influence this ‘disease program’ in our consciousness and not only the bio-physical body”. In his opinion the right combination of both is his ‘healing secret’.
For more information: |
Naturheilpraxis Anatoli Matenko
Hospital str. 20
D-71634 Ludwigsburg/Germany
Tel.: +49(0)7141-906289
Email: anatoli@matenko.de
www.matenko.de |