published in the magazine "Paracelsus",
8/VI 2009 (page 49-51)
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Moringa: the “Miracle Tree”
Brain and bones, nerves and me-tabolism may be regularized
with the leaves of the “horseradish tree” Moringa oleifera.
Actually this old Ayurvedic healing plant has been re-discovered
as an ideal food supplement.
Von Ulrich Arndt
than 300 diseases, from debility and high blood pressure to osteoporosis
and diabetes, may be treated with the “miracle tree”.
In Ayurvedic medicine its healing power has been known for millennia.
The leaves are a natural and extraordinarily versatile multi-vitamin
and mineral concentrate. The seeds free water from bacteria and
viruses and supply cosmetic oil, and the fruits serve as ingredients
for curry mixtures. “Moringa oleifera” is the name
of the tree which is also called the “miracle tree” because
of its manifold effectiveness. Depending on the region it is
well-known as horseradish tree, drumstick tree or ben oil tree,
Originally, this tree comes from the Himalayan region in North
West India, but today it also grows worldwide in the tropical
and subtropical regions of earth in Africa, Arabia, South-East
Asia and the Caribbean Islands. In the Indian Bangalore region
it has been cultivated for decades. In Eastern Africa, where
it is especially used as a natural remedy to fight malnourishment
and nutrition deficiency, there are also first cultivated areas.
In the leaves of the Moringa tree all essential amino acids and
fatty acids are found as well as a large scale of vitamins and
minerals. As this tree especially grows well in those countries
on earth where many people suffer from hunger its purposeful
use may help to alleviate states of deficiencies. In this respect “Terre
des Hommes” employees report that children of a project
in Zimbabwe can be strengthened significantly through 3 tablespoons
of Moringa powder per week. At the same time the exportation
of the leaf powder as a food supplement to the west offers new
income possibilities for the village community. Therefore, it
is incomprehensible that the benefit of the Moringa tree is still
mostly or widely unknown.
Ideal Food Supplement
Prof. Klaus Becker from the Tropical Center of the
Hohenheim University (Germany) emphasizes “The Moringa tree
is extremely helpful for diet-related diseases – both for
under nutrition and Western nutrition deficiency and malnutrition.
It is a phenomenon among the nutrition and healing plants”.
So only 1 teaspoon taken per day covers the daily requirement of
important trace elements; i.e., iron 41%, manganese 55%, chrome
to more than 100%, boron 50%, and for minerals such as calcium
30% and magnesium 15%. 1 tablespoon of Moringa leaf powder (=15
g) contains the daily requirement of vitamin B1 of 35%, B2 of more
than 200%, B6 of approximately 20%, B7 of approximately 46%, B9
(folic acid) of 39%, vitamin E of 120% and beta carotin 50%. Furthermore
Moringa also contains all essential amino acids such as leucin
(30% of daily requirement) which is recommended for weakness, tiredness
and stress, tyrosine (22% of daily requirement) and tryptophan
(25% of daily requirement) which are said to have a positive influence
on disturbances of sleep and negative sentiments, and theoronin
(36% of daily requirement) supporting the immune system.
Furthermore, Moringa contains many other important vital forces
such as the plant hormone zeatin, an important regulating factor
for the cells and a strong antioxidant protecting and regenerating
the cells. Indeed, zeatin is found in many plants; however, mostly
in quantities less than one microgram per gram whereas the Morigina
leaf contains more than the hundredfold per gram.
Underestimated Trace Element Bore
The high content of manganese, chrome and the rare
bore is in a similar way extraordinary. Among others manganese
is important for healthy joints and bones and chrome plays a central
significant role for metabolism and undo stress. Bore was not counted
among the group of vital trace elements yet; however, in the past
years its significance has been more and more recognized: bore
is basic for the building of serine – an amino acid that
occurs in nearly all proteins of the human organism. Bore plays
a dominant role for the calcium, manganese and phosphor balance.
In medicine it is successfully used for osteoporosis. It reduces
oxidation caused by stress, hinders the cell division rate of cells
without differentiation (such as cancer cells) and it is the trace
element which can normally be found in the brain more than any
other. Fatally, however, it is being superseded from aluminium.
Only one aluminium molecule supersedes three bore molecules. But
aluminium is able to restrain the nerve cells, damage the kidneys
and weaken the immune system. In case of Alzheimer’s disease
a correlation with high aluminium concentration is being discussed.
Today it is well-known that bore serves as a neutron catcher for
all organisms and that it is involved in the photon and quanta
transmission of the cells and thus at the information transfer
to the brain. Persons who can see the aura perceived a direct relation
between the bore contents in the body and the intensity of the
aura. However, elementary bore is poisonous. Therefore, only plants
with a high bore content may be used as a food supplement –most
of all Moringa leaves showing the highest contents of 31 milligrams
per 100 grams. Only quinces (approx. 10 mg per 100 g) show a higher
quantity of organic bore contents.
Water Cleaning with Moringa
In modern medicine extracts of Moringa olifeira are
mainly used because of their balancing effect on the nerve and
hormone system and for strengthening the immune defences. But everyone
can use the surprising effect of the Moringa tree in the form of
leaf powder. The powder may be added to soups, meals and to cereals.
It may be drunk as an infusion or taken in capsules. In an infusion
the taste of Moringa is a little similar to stinging nettle. When
taking the pure powder the slight spiciness due to the contained
mustard oils is more distinguishable. This spicy taste as such
is an attractive seasoning for meals.
In 2007 the Moringa plant had a TV appearance in the ARD (1st German
Programme, “Die große Show der Naturwunder” – ‘The
Great Show of Miracles of Natures’ - by Ranga Yogeshwar)
because of another amazing characteristic: 1 tenth gram of Moringa
seed is enough to free 1 litre of water from bacteria. This is
one of the many “miracles” which leveraged this tree
to its honorific title.
Book: Bruhns/Zgraggen: “Der Wunderbaum Moringa ”, (The
Miracle Tree Moringa), Hesper Publishing House, ISBN 978-3-9812258-1-4
For information about products:
Ulrich Arndt
79312 Emmendingen–Mundingen
Mail: info@horusmedia.de |