first published in the German
magazine news-age 4/2008 (side 103-105)
Deutsch |
More energy for people and environment - Power-light
Prof. Popp attests a seven times higher bio photon
emission from foods. Operators of block heat and power plants have
found an energy efficiency, that is more than 10 % higher than
usual. People who are sensitive for e-smog can breathe a sigh of
relief, because the strain coming from contamination of electro
magnetic interference fields is not felt anymore.
All this is achieved by gemstones called power-light stones, which are
energized by several transmissions of radionic coded information through
an electro magnetic process.
Ulrich Arndt
is a sensation, that hides behind down-to-earth numbers, which
have been measured by Prof. Popp (International Institute of
Biophysics) as a result of his research. Rape oil, which has
been energized with power-light stone energy for a few minutes
has a 7.3 times higher bio photon emission after the treatment.
The retention capacity for bio photons is 5.1 times higher in
all cells of plants, animals and humans, which have been treated
with the energy of the power-light stones. Even the coherence
of the Rape oil is 2.1 times higher than before. The Rape oil
has become more vital, harmonized and full of energy and light.
This spectacular improvement of the energetic qualities of the
Rape oil makes it a high grade food, and its heat value for a
biogas plant increases substantially.
The gemstone hangers protect people against the influence
negative e-smog fields because of their radionic coding.
Martin Bleicher, the inventor of this technology
needed 10 years to develop his machine to energize and inform the
power-light stones up to the point, where it was possible to get
such positive results. Today Mr. Bleicher can change the energy
level and the energy quality of matter by several transmissions
of radionic coded information through an electro magnetic process.
The gemstones can be specifically informed with any kind of information,
that is desired. The best information carrier are gemstones, which
can pass on their information to people, foods or fuels depending
on the purpose. In this way the vital food stones for energizing
food, the house stones for interference suppression and the gemstone
hangers for protection against interference fields are made with
amazing results:
More output in block heat
and power plants
bio gas fuel raises the energy efficiency and
saves the environment.
Biogas plants, block heat plants, battery systems
and power inverter on wind energy plants and on photo voltaic plants
work much more efficient, after they got equipped with Mr. Bleichers
energy stones. For example the operating data of a block heat plant
in south Germany show clearly, that the costs of producing electricity
have been reduced by 24.89 % within the last 5 months compared
to the same time of the passed year. There was simply less need
for fuel like corn, muck, grass, silage, grain and Rape oil. In
this way there is less pollution, what protects the environment
and the climate and natural resources are preserved. This is possible
because of the installation of a one meter long envelope around
the fuel pipe filled with energized material, which raises the
energy level and the quality of the fuel, just like Prof. Popp
measured it on Rape oil. Mr. Bleicher, the inventor, feels so confident
with his invention, that he offers the operating companies to equip
their biogas plants and block heat plants with his invention on
his own cost and to earn money only from the economy, which comes
through his equipment. In the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villingen
in Switzerland scientists tried to find out, what happens at the
energizing process. They found a change of the molecular structure
of the treated fuel. A distance change between the molecules and
clustering of molecules was accepted as a theory but no definite
results were secured.
Protection against e-smog
and interference fields
of skin resistancet:
Red Line: Under the influence of e-smog the skin resistance increases
up to an unhealthy amount
Green line: Under the influence of e-smog the skin resistance goes
normal, when a power-light house stone is placed in the room.
The physician and bio-feedback expert Dr. Uwe Gerlach
examined in his institute, if the power-light stones really neutralize
the negative effects of e-smog. Dr. Gerlach used an ordinary wireless
DECT telephone to create e-smog contamination. He measured the
typical vital signs like heart and breathing frequencies, blood
pressure, skin temperature, mussel tension and electrical conductance
of the skin. The tested people showed clear reactions with stress
signals like a decrease of the blood circulation, decrease of electrical
conductance of the skin, higher skin temperature and nervousness.
After putting a power-light stone into the room, the effects of
the high frequency e-smog on the nerve system were neutralized.
The same test results were achieved in the Institute
for Resonance Phenomena in St. Blasien in Germany. Olaf Baumunk
used the stimulation test, a special form of measuring
the skin resistance on acupuncture points. He examined the effects
of the power-light stones within e-smog-, ground radiation- or
radioactivity- contamination. The normal skin resistance of a healthy
person is about 30 to 50 kilo ohm. Within contaminated interference
fields the values raise instantly to 70 sometimes more than 100
kilo ohm. After applying a power-light stone into the room or around
the neck of a person the values went down to normal again to an
average of 45 kilo ohm. Olaf Baumunk is convinced, that the power-light
stones provide a protection shield against environmental distress.
After one minute on the Vital
Food Stone the disturbing information of the food has been
eradicated and the food has a much higher bio photon emission. |
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Bildquellen: ©Ulrich Arndt 5x, ©turboenergie AG 3x |