Meridian-Therapy and Planetary-Teachings
Energetic Vibrancy Phenomena in the System of Meridians and Novel
Methods of Regulation.
According to Biederstaedt, the secret of success
of the “Meridian-Energy-Therapy” is a gentle “acupuncture” that
works with special essences and a subsequent energetically and
individually balanced form of massage. It regulates the human system
of meridians and therefore can successfully treat many different
diseases from chronic pain to emotional problems, with the help
of “the planets”.
By Ulrich Arndt
“The heart represents the Sun. Likewise the Moon is comparable
with the brain and vice versa. The spleen has the same course as
Saturn. The gall corresponds to Mars and the kidneys have the manner
of Venus. Mercury is a planet resembling the lungs. And Jupiter
resembles the planet of the liver,” said Paracelsus (coll.
works, vol. I/40). The well-known medico and alchemist of the later
Middle Ages was convinced that the organism quasi holds the “seven
planets”, which correlate “in their spiritual course” to
those which are in the firmament. According to Paracelsus diseases
can emerge from disturbances in their natural “course”,
namely “in case they are mistaken and go astray into a wrong
course, for instance the course of spleen into the course of gall” (ibid.
41). In particular, chronic diseases can emerge from such disturbances
of the “inner firmament”. Did Paracelsus depict only
a poetical allegory? Was it astrological wishful thinking or is
there more behind it?
A novel method of therapy confirms in a surprising way that these
planetary correlations to the organs are more than only a phantasy:
the “Meridian-Energy-Therapy” is a special form of
gentle “Pain-physiotherapy”, massage and energy therapy
(abbr. “METh”). In fact, it regulates blockages and
disharmony “with the power of Sun, Moon, and all the planets” inside
the system of the acupuncture meridians. However, it does so in
the form of special essences from metal, plants and gems. For since
time immemorial, certain metals, gems or plants have been assigned
to the planets.
Karl-Heinz Biederstaedt, massage and meridian therapist and the
founder of “METh”, has now discovered that the functional
circuits of meridians can be treated with “planetary energy” instead
of acupuncture needles or Moxa-thermo-therapy. It is astonishing
to see that in “Meridian-Energy-Therapy”, due to specific
individual testing, it is sufficient to apply the corresponding “essence
of planets” in just one to two places on the meridian; the
blockage disappears! If this procedure is repeated at intervals
of one to four weeks, it is possible to considerably improve longsome
ailments and chronic issues or even to be completely healed.
It is equally astounding that the corresponding relations of the “organ
meridians” to the planets discovered by Biederstaedt coincide
with the assignments originally described by Paracelsus. Thus,
regarding the meridian pair kidney-bladder for instance, copper
essence (a metal corresponding to Venus) is used and the meridian
functional circuit of the heart-small intestine is harmonised by
the metal of the Sun, gold essence.
The great advantage of this form of meridian harmonisation compared
to classical methods is as follows: During the application of the
essence, it is not necessary to distinguish whether the acupuncture
meridian is blocked or energetically empty, or whether energy has
to be applied or deduced. Neither is the time of day of the application
according to the inner circadian rhythm of primary importance,
or how the meridians are influenced by each other. Instead, a simple
manual testing method, the so-called connective tissue test, helps
to determine the very individual essence that leads the organism
to the path of healing – with astounding success.
From Backpain to Allergies
“Since January 2004 I could no longer work
in my profession as a fire fighter and emergency medical technician
because my back did not play along,” Uwe W. reported. Neither
physiotherapy nor an operation of the spinal column brought about
permanent abatement. Finally, the 53 year old man went to Karl-Heinz
Biederstaedt on recommendation by his family doctor. “At
that time I hardly could climb onto the massage table and was also
ready to try uncommon energetic methods,” he remembers. In
the course of the treatments, at first with an interval of one
to two weeks, later only every four weeks, his state improved noticeably
and one year later the fire fighter was completely free of pain. “In
November 2005 I could return to my work for which I am very thankful.”
Inge P. had been suffering for a year from pain in sitting and
lying, which was according to x-rays diagnosed as heavy hypodermolithiasis
as a consequence of a haematoma due to a ski accident a long time
ago. Soundwave treatments and orthodox medicinal therapies did
not bring about any amelioration. “After four treatments
by Mr. Biederstaedt I started to wake up again in the morning without
pain for the first time in many months. Also, the following day
I was completely without pain – it was a great feeling” Inge
P. reports. Two more treatments were sufficient in helping to sit
and sleep continuously without problems.
Seventeen years ago after the birth of my son I got a lactoprotein
allergy.” Thea L. described her sufferings and how she could
not eat a variety of foods. The test according to “METh” showed
numerous disturbances in the system of meridian energies. “After
ten energy massage treatments my allergy largely disappeared and
since then I can eat all kinds of milk products again,” she
is pleased to say. Two years ago, when nevertheless frequent itching
of the ears and the skin under the armpits occurred, she visited
Karl-Heinz Biederstaedt again. By means of his specific skin test
he could verify a certain tooth as source of interference. In fact,
the tooth had to be extracted by the dentist and short time later
the itching and allergy had disappeared completely.
You do not have to believe in it, it helps – and in fact
permanently. Why it helps, remains admittedly secretive to me because
the clinical proved damages of the spinal discs cannot just disappear,” Dieter
L. reports. He continues: ”After several slipped discs, each
two to three times a year, partly with paralysis of the left leg
and after many injections against the worst pain, then massages,
electro therapy, cures, back exercises and gymnastics, I came to
Karl-Heinz Biederstaedt.” In the course of regular treatments,
at first every second week and later monthly, the times free from
pain became longer. After one year of the new therapy Dieter L.
is pleased: ”Nowadays I seldom have problems and these are
no longer as painful as before. I do not need painkillers any more.”
Connective Tissue as an Indicator
The foundation of such therapy success is the specific
type of testing, namely the connective tissue test. The therapist
presses the skin together between thumb and fingers to form a wrinkle.
When the tested “planet”, and with it its meridian
respectively its functional area of organ are in balance, then
a little wrinkle can be lifted without effort. On the other hand,
if “the planet” is blocked, then the skin “resists” with
firm tension against the pressing together.
Biederstaedt explains that the connective tissue is perfectly suitable
for such tests, since its basic tension can not be influenced by
will. “At the same time, our skin, our tissue is the largest
organ,” the therapist emphasises. “It is the central
place of regulation of the body, from the water and food household
to the direction of lymph, nerves and energy-meridians. If the
life processes of the skin begin to flow, the whole organism comes
into balance again.” Therefore, testing of the unconscious
tension of the skin reveals information on all central functions
of the body.
In any kind of health problem – no matter if it is backache,
insomnia or emotional problems – the therapist will at first
determine with the help of the “wrinkle-tests”, which “planet-energy” and
acupuncture-meridians are related to the particular suffering and
therefore have to be harmonised – like for instance the meridian
pair lungs-large intestine. Thereafter, in the same manner, the
energy essence from metals, jewels or plants that lead to the correct
energy balance are tested. And, quite systematically, the most
effective point on the particular meridian to be treated is determined
and the essence is applied there.
If the skin remains loose and relaxed during the wrinkle-test after
this initial phase of treatment, then the organ is ready for a
further treatment according to “METh”: a special massage
of the connective tissue especially in the skin region that resonates
with the determined organ region (the so-called “Head’s
zones”). Such skin areas are located particularly on the
back and relate to an organ or body part – similarly as known
in ear acupuncture and reflexology. “Earlier when I gave
a massage without these energetic corrections I had to work against
the disharmonious state of tension in the skin– this reduced
the success considerably and the patient felt only a little better
after treatment,” Biederstaedt admits today.
In addition, it is possible that one side of the body needs to
be activated by massage, and the other relaxed. All this is considered
and ascertained in every treatment. “There is a big difference
in the success of the treatment depending on the usage of a stimulating
or a calming massage oil, if the massage is started at the neck
or buttocks; if a healing-essence has been chosen globally or is
individually suitable. Each person reacts in a different way and
by testing we can find the appropriate way to healing,” Biederstaedt
emphasises and continues “Just as the right massage oil and
the planet essence can be determined by testing, scars and tooth
sources can be detected as well, and dietary supplements and vitamin
pills can be tested to find out if they have an energetically positive
or incompatible effect.”
The meridian-organ relations are also connected to certain typical
emotions – surprisingly to those attributed to deities in
the past. “Thus patients tell us, that for instance after
a treatment they could release their long lasting anger and fears,” reports
Biederstaedt. On this note “METh” can also collaterally
be applied for reinvigoration of mental balance, and for self-development,
the therapist states and he sums up: ”It is time that we
make peace with our body and learn to respect and use the marvellous
intelligence dwelling in the body for therapy as well.”
Correlation between
Planetary- and Meridian-System |
The Spleen-Pancreas meridian is divided
in its planetary respect, and forms together with the Stomach
meridian and the Governing and Conception Vessel two pairs
of yin and yang. |
Further information on the Meridian-Energy-Therapy:
Arndt, Ulrich: Schätze der Alchemie: Edelstein-Essenzen, and Schätze
der Alchemie: Metall-Essenzen. Both: Freiburg/Germany: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
Testreports of Paracelsus essences:: und
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der Bücher „Edelstein-Essenzen“ und „Metall-Essenzen“ im
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