first published in the magazine "Paracelsus" january
2005 (side 12-17)
Deutsch |
Español |
Connected with the Pulse of the Stars
The energies of the planets have an effect on everything
that lives on earth. They also stay in a very special response
to our Chakras and organs. For thousands of years alchemy and Ayurveda
have taught it in the same way. Only recently the energies of the
planets could be measured with the help of modern equipment – proving
the old healing knowledge which has been known for thousands of
Von Ulrich Arndt
It seems to be magic: seedlings growing in an entirely closed container
lose weight when the new moon is coming up and put on more than usually
on full moon – without adding or removing water or anything else.
At the same time the amount of chemical substances in the plants changes – which
according to the opinion of todays scientists cannot be possible in any
way. A chemical element of the plant could be embedded into a different
chemical compound but the total amount has to stay the same. Anything
else would be a change of atoms, the so-called “transmutation” such
as the famous alchemical change from lead into gold – and that
would just not be possible.
But it might be that famous alchemists such as Paracelsus simply observed
the nature much better. And that is maybe why they can get a much better
use of the natural effects of the essences and remedies which they produce
in the laboratory than the modern scientists. The plants don't care at
all about the “diagnosed findings” of todays scientists about
transmutation: Still the substance of phosphorus in a plant rises in
an inexplicable way on full moon and falls on new moon, however the amount
of potassium rises on new moon and becomes smaller on full moon. Many
scientists, like for instance the chemist Dr. Rudolf Hauschka who is
known for his cosmetics have proven it in longstanding series of experiments.
But how can the moon cause something “scientifically impossible” every
14 days?
And not only the moon has such a deep effect on our organism and all
matter on earth:
Other planets as well influence plants e.g. measurable: First of all
Mars increases the plant growth. When Jupiter and the Sun are together
in the sky or when they are in exact opposite directions the growth will
be stimulated. On the other hand it will be obstructed through the same
kind of meeting between Saturn and the Sun.
Scientists of the naturopathic pharmaceutical company “Weleda” found
out about it in many series of experiments. They discovered: If you set
a plant into a cache-pot made out of iron (without direct contact of
the metal pot with the soil or the nutrient solution), the influence
of Mars will become stronger, in a pot made of copper the influence of
Venus is dominant, in a tin pot the influence of Jupiter – exactly
those planetary energies become stronger whose metal they have been connected
with since ancient times. Like a kind of aerial the metal pots intensify
the influence of each planet. With the plant growth, the old hermetic
teachings of the connection between the 7 metals and the 7 classical
planets could be confirmed in a sensational way (Chart “The main
signatures of the planets”).
Metals as the Aerials of
the Planetary Waves
The modern research of this old knowledge about the influence
of planets started already at the beginning of the 20th century.
Lili Kolisko proved with the help of the so-called crystallization
pictures (certain solvents are crystallized and typical patterns
will be formed) among other things the effect of the Sun on gold
solutions, of the Moon on liquids containing silver and of Jupiter
on tin solutions.
The well known German pioneer in water flow research, Theodor Schwenk,
repeated the experiments decades later and also searched for the event
when two planet energies overlay – meaning when two planets are
directly next to each other in the sky. He observed, among other things,
a four day long conjunction (the meeting of the planets in the sky) of
Mars and Saturn. In the “capillary dynamolysis” (Steigbild)
investigations used, clear changes showed up: the usually very wide patterns
in solutions containing lead – lead belongs to Saturn – disappeared
more and more. As soon as the planets drifted apart, the number and size
of the structures increased.
In the same way that metals used in plant pots or in solutions build
an aerial for the planetary influences, they capture their effecitve
powers in our organism as well. In some body regions certain metals are
concentrated in an amazing way. Tin in the oral region, enzymes and liver
e.g., or gold in the brain and heart. That is where the planetary effects
are more intensive than anywhere else in the organism. Crystallization
pictures give proof of what is “on the same wavelength” with
a planet. Solutions from the blood of a heart disease patient or a treated
solution of an animal cardio muscle show the exact same crystal patterns
as gold solutions and plant solutions of the foxglove (Digitalis) – and
all are effected by the rotation of the Sun. That is why gold solutions
and foxglove are valuable remedies for cardiovascular diseases. Once
more the old knowledge of the alchemy doctors about the “relationship” in
nature is confirmed: “as it is above, so it appears below” or
like Paracelsus emphasized: “there is nothing on earth, that is
not in heaven”. Paracelsus continually reminded us to pay attention
to the signatures of the plants, metals and gems. The brilliant, warm
gold has the character of the Sun, the defensive nettle is bursting with
Mars energy and the pearl, highly esteemed as a healing essence by Paracelsus,
is ruled by the Moon and water principle. In this way certain metals,
plants and gems are connected with the 7 planets and in the human being
the 7 main organs and the chakras: “So understand that the brain
is the Moon, the lung is Mercury, the kidney is Venus, the gall bladder
is Mars, the liver is Jupiter, the spleen is Saturn and the heart is
the Sun,” writes Paracelsus.
Planet |
Theme |
Expression |
Quality |
Sun |
fatherly life-giving original principle |
vitality, self-awareness |
warm, spicy, majestically, |
Moon |
motherly, reflecting original principle |
rhythm, growth |
moist, juicy, slimy, seedy, rhythmic, |
Mars |
active, aggressive original principle |
dynamics, energy |
prickly, burning, spicy, red |
Mercury |
communicative original principle |
flexibility, communication |
slim, convoluted, feathery |
Jupiter |
shaping, developing original principle |
justice, imagination |
straight, manorial, smooth, bitter, aromatic, salutary |
Venus |
harmonizing original principle |
sense-power, sensuality, beauty |
harmonious, regular, rounded, velvety, rich, strongly fragrant,
salutary |
Saturn |
limiting and unfolding original principle |
borderline experience, higher senses- and awareness activity |
longevity, evergreen, curved, gloomy, resinous, poisonous
tough, tenacious |
The Rhythms of the Planets in our Body
Are these “elective affinities” more than a construction
of our thoughts? At least parts of the mystic planet energies can
be scientifically proven nowadays. Next to the electromagnetic
waves, that oscillate between the ionosphere and the earth surface
(the so-called Schumann-waves), other frequencies coming straight
from the planet can be measured on earth. Mainly they are electromagnetic
vibrations between 0,00166 Hertz and 5 Hertz (Hertz = vibrations
per minute). They are stronger when the relevant planet or the
Sun or the Moon rises or sets on the local horizon and when the
celestial body is in the zenith. The reason being that the electromagnetic
field of our earth works like an oscillating aerial and the waves
of the planets that are captured at this time, hit a certain place
with more intensive power. We are continually “listening” to
the sound of the planets, and it is hardly possible to withdraw
from their vibrations because these wavelengths are able to penetrate
panes of glass, house walls and earth embankments almost unhindered.
But especially in this sphere up to 5 Hertz important rhythms of our
own body are located:
cranio-sacral system pulsates in this rhythm, thus the
pressure system out of spinal cord liquid and brain liquid.
A disturbance of this flow can lead to a variety of different
sicknesses and psychological problems.
the vibration of our stomach muscle is in this area and
recently scientists discovered the importance of the stomach
with its many neurons as the so-called “stomach-
slow brain waves oscillate in this frequency as well, especially
when we are in deep sleep, deep meditation or trance. Those
are exactly the conditions where we can recover the best, “to
become healthy through sleep” and built up one’s
strength – because we can get into an optimum touch
with the regulatory effects of the planet energies. We
are tuned in a steady state by the planets.
There is a second important oscillating area next to the sphere between
0 and 5 Hertz, through which the human organism connects with the planets.
It is through microwaves. The Sun and Saturn are especially strong microwave
transmitters whereas our moon is the weakest, which is again a strong
transmitter in the aforementioned oscillating area. But in our body,
mainly the endocrine glands get into primary touch with the microwaves.
Also the electrical charge of the cell membrane is in this area. According
to the German scientist Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp, who discovered biophotonics,
microwaves are the carrier of the meridian energy, those energy flows
that are regulated in the Chinese acupuncture as is generally known.
Our organism is kept in the right balance through the waves of the planets,
just like a radio-controlled clock. But what happens if the human vibration
system is disturbed in its connection with the natural frequencies of
the planets? When technical radiation from mobile phones and microwaves
have a steady influence and even the deep sleep is not undisturbed anymore?
The human energy system tries to regulate the element of interference.
That might work for a while but through this permanent activity it will
be more and more overloaded. This leads to sleep disorders, allergies,
chronic exhaustion or hyperactivity, chronic inflammation, metabolic
disorder and vague pains. And finally, in the weakest part of our body,
a serious illness may break out.
According to the alchemy doctors every illness is connected to a lack
or imbalance of the planetary energy. “Not the gall bladder causes
the anger but Mars does. He makes us seething… Every illness starts
in the constellation and from the constellation it gets into the human
body. Meaning whatever is started in heaven, will be finished in the
human body,” emphasizes Paracelsus. And so the remedies developed
by him and other alchemists “tune” once again our organism
to the melody of the planets. And because the metals are the best aerials
for the planetary waves, and at the same time being extremely difficult
to get a healing essence out of them, they are regarded as the supreme
remedies of alchemy – ahead of all the Aurum Potabile, the highly
praised universal remedy, the “drinkable gold of the alchemists”.
The Planets are the Tuning Fork of the
The chakras, the vortex-like principle energy centres of mankind,
were also known by the alchemists. The best known alchemistical
illustration of these “planetary seals” go back to
the German alchemist Johann Georg Gichtel (1638–1710) from
Regensburg, Bavaria. It shows the lowest level of vibration of
the chakras, the so-called “Nigredo”-phase, the “blackness” after
the three-stage development model of alchemy. A stage in which
according to Gichtel’s illustration, the 7 vices or deadly
sins such as pride, stinginess and jealousy reign over mankind.1
This classification of the planets with the chakras is not coincidental,
but also has astonishing parallels with astronomy and the characteristics
of the metals:
If you put the corresponding planetary-metals into order after their
conductivity for heat and electricity, the same sequence of the planets
will be the result – and the same order in the arrangement of the
planets will be according to their mean orbital speed.
Conductivity as an energetical quality of the 7 metals in connection
to the 7 planets
Metal |
conductivity for
heat |
electricity |
speed of the planets in |
degrees of arc |
Chakra-response in the dark Nigredo-state |
Lead |
8 |
10 |
Saturn |
2 |
Crown-Chakra |
Tin |
15 |
13 |
Jupiter |
4 |
Brow-Chakra |
Iron |
17 |
20 |
Mars |
18 |
Throat-Chakra |
Gold |
53 |
73 |
Sun |
30 |
Heart-Chakra |
Copper |
74 |
77 |
Venus |
32 |
Solarplexus-Chakra |
Quicksilver |
68 |
76 |
Mercury |
36 |
Spleen-/Sexual-Chakra |
Silver |
100 |
100 |
Moon |
392 |
Root-Chakra |
This response of the Chakras with the planetary energy is compared
to the Fall of Man in the alchemy, equally to the sinking into
disorder and into a lower vibration level: “But it was not
only the soul of Adam and Eve who got spoilt or fell down, but
everything that belonged to it, that is why the soul-fire also
infected the mind and body, the mind and body infected the air,
water and earth and forced them through agreement to fall, too,
while mind and body and the universal centre or heart had fallen
(…) In the same way it is within our body when the heart
is sick, the whole body has to be sick,” described Sincero
Renato, alchemist and a student of Jakob Böhme this fall of
mankind. Through a disharmony in the fire-element all the other
elements and with that the soul, mind and body get into the same
disorder. But according to the alchemy the four elements emerge
from different mixtures of the planet energies. And when the planet
energies are harmonised in the human body, the “fallen Adam” can
be raised again into the state of order. Said the alchemist Julius
Sperber in his famous “Theatrum Chemicum”: “…The
world originally created by God (= synonym for Adam) was complete
and perfect and equal to nature and the virtue of the philosopher’s
stone (= stone of the wise men). When Man fell, God became angry
and condemned the “red earth” (allegorical for the
term of Adam as the perfectly created Man), he destroyed their
innate proportions, reversed the homogeneity into heterogeneity
and changed them through the movement of the elements (and due
to this also the planetary waves, who are creating the elements,
and their response to the chakras) into a scurrilous concourse
of matter: Followed by corruption and death.”
In this “dark” planet-Chakra-response the solidifying forces
dominate, which lead to typical illnesses: formation of all kinds of
stones, arteriosclerosis, stiffening of the joints and the spine and
he becomes “petrified” and “sclerotic” in body,
spirit and soul.
The “philosophers” tree
(the experts in the secret symbols of alchemy) with the seven
planets. In the lower triangle the three basic principles Sal,
Sulphur and Mercury or as the transformation stages Nigredo,
Albedo and Rubedo between the old man and the young man. The
particular interplay of the planet energies and the basic principles
lets us age or keeps us young.
Sincero Renato already hints at how to get out of the lowest
state of vibration when he gives a reference to the heart as the “universal
centre” – meaning the heart Chakra. According to the
alchemistic teachings the ability to love has to be developed and
the strengthening processes have to be returned to the rhythmical
flow. And this is the exact purpose of Paracelsus' metal- and gem-
essences. They are tuned on a different response of the chakras
with the planet waves, the highest one the so-called Rubedo-phase.1
But how can you find out at an early stage, which processes dominate
in oneself – if you rather vibrate in the dark Nigredo or in the
bright Rubedo? How can anyone, already at the beginning prevent a disharmony
or even a “fall” into Nigredo? The alchemical doctors use
a kind of constitutional diagnosis. They analyse which of the three alchemical
basic principles “sal“, “sulphur“ or “mercury“ prevail
in the individual and accordingly, which planetary forces.
(= “salt“, in simple terms the material, physical)
represents like the Nigredo level the predominance of the
densifying processes and thereby the “diseases of
(in simple terms the soul) marks the opposite, the dissolving,
enlivening processes. Sulphur stands for the middle level
of vibration of the chakras, called the Albedo level. If
the sulphur forces are predominant in the organism or in
an organ of our body, inflammation, hot flushes, fever,
as well as allergies occur.
(in simple terms the spirit) symbolises the connecting,
balancing and transmitting processes. Mercury can be equated
with the Rubedo level, the highest level of vibration.
In this state the densifying and the dissolving forces
work together in harmony within us.
Only in the Chakra-response of Rubedo, under the dominance of the balancing
Mercury processes, are we in harmony and only then the life energies
of the planets, of the Sun and of the Moon can flow through us unhindered
and with full strength. And then we can finally transform the “dark
lead” within ourselves into the “brilliant gold” just
like the seedlings mentioned in the beginning.
pictures show similar patterns when dealing with similar effective
powers. Here the solvents of gold (above), foxglove (middle),
and cardiac cells (below). Gold and foxglove are being used
as a remedy for heart diseases and all three show a sun-signature. |
before Mars-Saturn- conjunction |
during the conjunction |
after the conjunction |
dynamolysis” (Steigbild) investigations with a solvent
from the “Saturn-metal” lead during a conjunction
of Mars and Saturn. Clearly recognizable, that the Saturn energies
of the lead, who are forcing to strengthen and shape, are being
reduced through the influence of Mars. Picture above: before
the meeting of the planets extensive patterns can be seen,
middle picture: five days later during the conjunction nearly
all of them are dissolved, picture below: after the conjunction
another five days later all patterns are well-shaped again. |
Bildquellen: ©Hans Nietsch Verlag
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