first published in the magazine "Paracelsus" march
2005 (side 12-17)
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Español |
Alchemistical Essences – Made at Home
The plant tinctures used today are only initial substances of the genuine and
ancient alchemistical essences. Only the elixirs prepared according to the
teachings of Paracelsus contain all three healing powers of the plant – made
from body, spirit and soul, or salt, sulphur and mercury. However, anyone can
prepare such a plant essence by himself.
By Ulrich Arndt
The present desperate situation of the Public Health Care System
also holds a great opportunity. We are almost forced to recollect
our age-old knowledge of herbs, healing teas, herbal compresses
and the high art of preparing healing herbs, which is called alchemy.
We can prepare teas ourselves, but the same is also true for genuine alchemistical
healing essences that can be used and prepared by everyone. These are not only
inexpensive healing remedies, they are also – if prepared correctly – highly
effective. Therefore, nothing prevents us from preparing simple remedies ourselves
to take responsibility for our well-being and remain healthy. Even today, nature
offers us an abundance of valuable healing herbs. One example is the dandelion.
This “bothersome weed“, whose beautiful omnipresent blossoms are
a delight to the eye in spring, can be used to extract an excellent bitter elixir
that supports the gall bladder, the liver and the digestive tract. From the inconspicuous
wild-growing elder, which is also very widespread, an excellent strengthening
potion can be made to build up resistance and act as an anti-flu remedy. And
from the nettles, everyone can prepare a remedy himself that supports the functioning
of the kidneys and the bladder. We only have to learn again to appreciate and
make use of the things that Mother Earth has bestowed on us in such abundance.
With these simple healing plants there is no need to be afraid of making any
mistake or even of poisoning oneself. Now and then we can find lurid articles
in the press maintaining that one of these plants of folk medicine were dangerous
or even cancer-causing. The most spectacular case was that of coltsfoot, which
has been used ever since for treating diseases of the respiratory tract. Consequently,
for many years only pharmacies were authorized to sell it because it had caused
cancer in animal experiments. However, the details of these experiment was largely
kept secret. In these experiments with rats, the rats first received coltsfoot
that was mixed with their regular food. This amount was continually increased
until it was about one fourth of the total feed and the rats simply refused to
eat the feed any longer. Until then not a single rat had fallen ill! Measured
by human standards, this would mean that we could eat heaps of coltsfoot. Subsequently,
these poor animals were force-fed with even larger amounts of coltsfoot. Why
should it come as a surprise that an animal falls ill with cancer under such
circumstances? It took nevertheless many protests from biologists and physicians
as well as a number of counter-expertises until coltsfoot was freed from the
taint of being dangerous and cancer-causing.
Some plants are caught in the crossfire of the critics after some of their single
active ingredients have been isolated and used in a high concentration. This
is no surprise to naturopaths, because, by isolating a substance, all the concomitant
substances of the plants are missing that make them more compatible and even
healthier for animals and humans. This perception has even spread to community
of the vitamin manufacturers in the past years. For example, they now add so-called
bio-flavonoids to vitamin C (as a synthetic ascorbic acid) and market it as an
enormous improvement of its effectiveness. These bio-flavonoids, formerly called
vitamin P, are mostly natural plant pigments from rose hip, buckthorn, acerola
cherry, elderberry or other fruits. Doesn’t it make more sense to eat the
complete fruit with its full content of vitamin C or to take a naturally dried
concentrate such as buckthorn granulate?
Healing Power gained from the Body, Spirit and Soul of the Plant
With a genuine alchemistic plant essence you do not risk to produce
a questionable concentrate. On the contrary, the alchemistical
production process makes sure that you gain the healing powers
from the body, spirit and soul of the plant. This is by no means
to be understood in the philosophical sense: The healing powers
of the body are hidden in the salts of the plant and not contained
in an ordinary plant distillate or an alcoholic extract. The healing
powers of the soul are connected with the oil-containing substances
such as the essential oils. And the spiritual powers can be captured
with the inherent alkaloids or substances that are soluble in alcohol.
In alchemy, these three levels of the healing powers are called
salt, sulphur and mercury.1
In ordinary plant extracts the healing powers of the body are missing, because
the salts of the plant are not extracted. In the same way, important parts of
the soul are lost, since the vacuum distillation of the plant, which is standard
practice for the pharmaceutical industry, destroys a substantial part of those
healing powers. This was confirmed by chemical analyses of echinacea preparations
carried out by different manufacturers, which are used for the treatment of flu
and for strengthening the immune system. When comparing a plant essence from
a normal medicinal company with that from a naturopathic or anthroposophical
manufacturer, the normal medicinal product contains definitely less active ingredients.
Therefore, the usual plant extracts only contain a small portion of the salt,
sulphur and mercury healing powers.
Homoeopathic remedies, on the other hand, contain – as well as the essences
prepared according to the simple method used to produce the Bach Flower remedies
(instructions on how to prepare an alchemistic flower essence are given in the
embedded text) – only the healing powers of the soul, the information of
the plant. This is the reason why their energetic potential is not complete,
because the parts of the body and soul, the sulphur- and mercury principle, are
largely missing.
The sublime alchemistic healing remedies made from gems and metal such as the
legendary gold essence “Aurum Potabile“ can only be produced with
the help of certain secret solvents, the so-called “secret fires“.2
The extraction of a genuinely alchemistic plant essence is indeed less complicated.
One only needs a good grappa, distilled water, an old pan or a wok and a means
of distillation – either a table-top distiller, like the one used for the
home-made brandy, a makeshift steam juicer or a small distillation apparatus
with a heating pad (for the latter, the cost is approximately 200 Euro), a purchase
that will quickly pay off, if used frequently.
Preparation of a Dandelion Essence
It begins with collecting the plant in the right way. In alchemy,
the position of the planets, of the sun and the moon have been
considered ever since. The best time for gathering the dandelion
is around noon between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on a full moon day.
The plants should not have been exposed to chemical fertilization.
For that reason, please do not pick dandelions from the edge
of a field, but rather from your own garden or from a wild meadow.
You can use the leaves, blossoms and roots of the plant. Harvest
500 grams of dandelion leaves
150 grams of dandelion blossoms
150 grams of dandelion roots.
Clean the roots of any leftover soil and dry the plants on a mat that is permeable
to air such as a thin wicker basket in a warm and dry room, not in the blazing
1. Extraction
Now place the leaves, blossoms and roots separately in a tight-fitting
screw-cap container and add grappa so that all parts of the plant
are covered. The grappa
should have an alcohol content of at least 35 %; it is best to use an organic
grappa (grappa is a spirit made from the skins and husks of pressed grapes).
If you do not have a facility for drying the herbs, you can also place them
directly into the containers together with the alcohol.
Leave these three preparations in the alcohol for at least 28 days, respectively
one moon phase. In an alchemistic laboratory, such preparations are usually
swirled to the right every morning exactly at sunrise and to the left every
evening at
moonrise. However, it is also sufficient to swirl the containers from time
to time in order to mix everything and moisten those parts of the plant that
not been covered with alcohol.
During the first four weeks, parts of the healing principle of the spirit and
the soul are extracted with the help of the alcohol. The genuine preparation,
however, only starts now:
In the next step, each of the three preparations is processed
separately. Therefore one obtains three different distillates.
Pour the now green coloured grappa in the distillation container
and dilute the total quantity with one-third to one-half spring
water. Then add the extracted parts of the plant and simmer all
at a low temperature, so that the grappa bubbles only slightly.
If the entire liquid has almost completely evaporated into the
container, put the drained parts of the plant in an old pan (without
teflon or similar coating). Close the distillate tightly.
3. Calcination
The drained parts of the plant from the distillation are now
burnt to ashes outdoor on an old camping cooker or in a pan on
a charcoal grill. In the beginning it produces a lot of smoke until
almost all moisture is evaporated. It will take quite some time
until the plant parts have turned into a white powder – so
don't lose your patience. This white powder contains the salt of
the plant, the saline healing principle. However, this salt must
still be cleaned, as it may contain toxic elements of the plant.
To do this, place the plant ashes in a container and pour some
distilled water on it. Swirl everything and let the liquid stand
for several hours. The soluble salts are dissolved in the distilled
water, the insoluble residue (ashes) remain at the bottom. Now
pour the ash water into a paper coffee filter or carefully pour
off the top liquid. The insoluble toxic and waste products of the
plant remain in the muddy ashes and will be thrown away afterwards.
In an alchemistic laboratory the water with the soluble salts is usually evaporated
and mixed with water several times, so that the salts are further purified. This
is especially required when dealing with poisonous healing plants. With our simple
dandelion essence, however, we can do without this exhaustive purification process.
4. Unification
In the first step of unification, the three plant distillates are united with
the respective soluble salt and distilled together once more. If you want the
essence to be especially strong, you can once again add fresh parts of the
plant. In an alchemistic laboratory the entire process is sometimes repeated
four to five times or even more frequently.
Once you have distilled the liquids from the dandelion leaves, the dandelion
blossoms and the dandelion roots, you pour all three liquids together and make
one last distillation.
5. Circulation
The last step in the production process is unfortunately often
forgotten, although it can increase the energetic quality of the
essence even further. Pour the liquid in a tall, spacious glass
container that can be closed tightly and place it on the window
sill. More and more liquid will volatilise in the sunlight, condense
in the upper part of the container and run down along the inner
wall – the liquid is thus circulating n the container. In
this way, let the essence ripen for another moon phase, i.e. 28
days. By this process, the essence is filled with even more energy.
In the alchemistic laboratory, the essence is purposefully exposed to the sunlight
and the moonlight. Moreover, all production steps are carried out on the basis
of certain planetary constellations, and the plants are being processed on the
weekday which corresponds to the planet that matches the character of the plant – e.g.
the mars-plant nettle on Tuesday, the elder on Wednesday (Mercury) and the dandelion
on Thursday (Jupiter). Additionally, the distillation of the blossom preparations
can also be accomplished on a Sunday. So you can carry out the distillation of
the dandelion blossoms on Sunday and everything else on Thursday.
Historical alchemist's
laboratory with distillation containers, Pharmazie-Historisches
Museum der Universität Basel (Museum of Pharmacology and
History of the University of Basel, Switzerland) |
Application of the Dandelion Essence:
The dandelion essence is now finished and can be used. If you
have a plant preparation and not yet added further amounts, then
take approximately 20–30 drops daily. When suffering from
irregular digestion you can take 10 drops before every meal, otherwise
in the evening before going to sleep. Since the liver and the gallbladder
regenerate at night, this regeneration will be supported by the
bitter constituents contained therein. Take the drops with some
water or with a small sip of red wine, keep them in your mouth
for a few seconds and then swallow.
Dandelion (Taraxacum
officinale) |
Alchemistic flower essences
The following instructions can be
used for all types of flower essences – here an example
of an essence using pear tree blossoms, whose effectiveness
has often been underestimated. The essence supports agitated
people, helps with relaxation and meditation, gives power,
protection, calm and balance. It can be used on a permanent
basis by people born under a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
and by choleric persons in order to balance their fiery
1. Shortly before a spring full moon,
pick 10–20 blossoms of an old domestic pear tree,
put them in a crystal or glass dish and pour a mixture
of water and some alcohol over it.
2. Place the dish in the sun for four days. Then drain the liquid using a filter
and add the same amount of alcohol (e.g. grappa) for conservation.
3. Put the extracted blossoms in a fireproof dish and “roast” them
to ashes using moderate heat – the so-called calcination. Place the ashes
in a filter, pour distilled water over them and collect the liquid. The insoluble
remains of the ashes will be re-heated and then poured over with water again.
This process will be repeated three times.
4. Let the water with the flushed-out remains of the ashes stand covered for
approximately two days and then carefully pour off the liquid. (Pour away the
residue on the bottom.) The poured off water will slowly be evaporated with gentle
heat until only the white salt crystals remain.
5. This salt will be poured over with the blossom water extracted in the sun,
and then everything will be exposed to the sun again for one day. Take the bowl
inside at about 5 p.m. and add again some alcohol.
This spagyric flower essence contains – contrary to the known flower essences – the
body (the salt), spirit and soul of the plant.
Alchemistic Cooking
"He who wants to cook must first learn
to prepare the Chue.
The Chue is like the philosopher's stone,
because it colours all your food”
This poem written by the alchemist Alexander von Bernus (1880–1965) describes
the seasoning concentrate for sauces and soups. In former times, people used
to prepare it at home; nowadays it has almost been completely replaced by factory
products such as broth and meat extracts and Maggi3. As von Bernus pointed out,
the difference in taste, the nutritional value and energetic quality was very
high and always justified the effort – especially since it can be prepared
ahead and kept in the refrigerator.
The preparation of the “Chue”:
1. Prepare a vegetarian broth. In
order to do this, peas are cooked with water on a small “flame” for
some minutes; then add celery, parsnip, leak, onion and
some chervil, all cut into small pieces, and let it simmer
(comparable to the alchemistic production process at body
temperature that takes many days). After one hour at the
earliest, let the pot cool down and let the viscous ingredients
deposit at the bottom. The thin broth is poured carefully
through a fine sieve.
2. Melt butter in a casserole, slice some onions and cover the pot with them.
Put some carrots, parsnip, parsley roots, celery and leak in layers on the onions,
all cut into small pieces, and season it with thyme; put fillets of carp or tench
on top. Fry everything at low temperature, add some of the above mentioned broth
and continue to simmer. Once the liquid has a strong brown colour, add the rest
of the broth and let it boil up briskly. Then add a piece of parmesan cheese – and
let it boil once more. Once a large part of the liquid is reduced, let the Chue
cool down and pour it carefully through a fine sieve.
The result is the Chue extract, which can be taken in spoonful doses as a seasoning
base for sauces and soups.
1 see also article “The Determination of
the Alchemical Constitutional Type” in “Paracelsus – Health & Healing” issue
no. 4/II
2 see also article “Rediscovered: The Life Elixirs of Paracelsus” in “Paracelsus – Health & Healing” issue
no. 6/I and 7/I, as well as article “The Production Process of the High
Arcana and their Power to Change” in issue 10/I
3 “Maggi” is the brand name of a popular German seasoning sauce.
It tastes like garden lovage.
Arndt, Ulrich: Schätze der Alchemie: Edelstein-Essenzen, and Schätze
der Alchemie: Metall-Essenzen. Both: Freiburg/Germany: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
Test Reports about the Paracelsus-essences (in German only): www.life-testinstitut.de und www.edelstein-essenzen.de
Bildquellen: ©Hans Nietsch Verlag, ©Ulrich Arndt, ©catharina zeropa-stangenberg / www.pixelio.de
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