first published in the magazine "Paracelsus" august
2004 (side 10-14)
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"As above so below": The Production Process
of the High Arcana and their Power to Change
The life elixirs of Paracelsus, his great remedies
from metals and gems contain the healing powers of body, spirit
and soul of a substance. To extract these healing powers separately
is the high art of the high alchemy. The appliance of these High
Arcana also releases healing impulses in body, spirit and soul
of the human being at the same time.
By Ulrich Arndt
“As above so below”, the familiar allegory of the emerald tablet,
the “Tabula smaragdina” of Hermes Trismegistos is often quoted in
modern esotericism and beyond it. What really is meant by it, only very few know.
It is surprising for most that the further text of the emerald tablet explains
the basic principles of the alchemical laboratory work. It describes how everything
comes into existence under the attendance of the four elements and how the elements
participate in laboratory work, in parting the gross and cleaning the fine through
distillation and circulation. Moreover, the emerald tablet even contains the
hint of the transformation of matter, of the legendary transmutation and of the “power
of all powers prevailing over the fine and penetrating the gross”, that
is the so called “great work” of alchemy. According to the emerald
tablet, all this can be performed in the laboratory “in the small world
according to the model of the big world”. And these descriptions are at
the same time a hint to the inner transformation processes of a human being,
as he is a world in small also. Due to his purification and inner “distillation” healing
and lucidity accrue – “as above so below”.
Whoever studies the works of the great alchemical physicians like Paracelsus
and dips deeper into the science of alchemy concerning the transformation
and purification of matter into remedies and into the science of their
healing application, meets with the three fundamental principles of sal,
sulfur and mercurius, which is simplified by the triplicity of body (sal,
salt, the gross), soul (sulfur, brimstone, the mobile) and spirit (mercurius,
mercury, the connecting). Everything carries this triplicity, metals,
gems and plants just as the human being, animals and even planets and
stars. Should anything be transformed, that is purified and made ‘translucent’ and
thus healed and endowed with higher vibration, then the triplicity of “body,
spirit and soul” has to be parted, purified and newly connected.
This new unity is “tuned” on a far higher energy level: in
the laboratory by circulating of completed substances in closed vessels
under very specific conditions and planet constellations; with men by
a changed daily way of life assisting the purified healthy body, the
clarified soul and the newly aligned spirit.
The alchemist needs some certain substances to dissolve from “old
combinations”, the so called “Secret Fires” in the
laboratory work. With the help of these solvents even the hardest substances
as metals and gems can be separated in salts (= body), oils (= soul)
and alcohol respectively in alcohol dissolvable substances (spirit).
It is a mystery to the common chemistry and physics, that an oil can
be extracted from a gem or a metal. Just as mysterious are the “Secret
Fires” themselves, which are neither a strong acid nor a base,
but are able to liquefy the hardest substances. What these solvents are
and how they are produced, is on of the greatest secrets of alchemy.
But they are the precondition of any work in the ‘high alchemy’ such
as the handling of metals and gems and the production of the high remedies
of alchemy, the so called ‘High Arcana’.
of the “Secret Fires” (reddish in dense and fluid
form and bluish powder), the universal solvent of the alchemy.
With the help of them even metals and the hardest gems as diamond
can be dissolved. |
Just shortly before the turn of the millennium, the two German
alchemists Achim Stockhardt and Daniel Hornfisher succeeded maybe
for the first time since over 500 years to rediscover and produce
all these “Secret Fires”. It had taken them over 25
years of laboratory research and studies of the ancient scriptures
to get there. There are seven “Secret Fires”, crowned
by an eight “Fire”. They are also called “our
fire”, “salt fire”, “fiery salt”, “hidden
fire”, “the magic fire”, “the fire against
the nature”, “the snake rod of Hermes eliciting the
water from the droughty rock”. They have one thing in common:
During the complicated production process two fiery substances
connect in the so called “chemical marriage” and a
new substance is born with the co-operation of other means: the
child, the “hermaphrodite” holding the powers of its
source material on one side and showing in addition to it further,
completely new characteristics on the other side.
Only such solvents permit the complete separation and extraction of sal,
sulfur and mercurius. Any substances like metals, gems, minerals and
plants may actually be transformed in a high remedy only in such a way.
For other production processes as homoeopathy and the Bach flower method
the spiritual information (mercurius) of a substance is won as remedy
in the first place; for alcoholic extractions as plant medicines also
the sal powers and some sulfur powers are partially won, yet without
their purification from poison and without any energetic potency. Not
all the three healing powers of a substance, that is the healing of body,
spirit and soul, can be extracted together with the help of such methods.
Particularly the healing power of the soul, in which the bigger part
of the entire healing power is concentrated, gets lost using other production
Even with the help of the secret solvents, the alchemical production
is still a difficult and tedious process. For the extraction of an alchemical
gem essence for example, the gems are dipped in one of the seven “Secret
Fires” first. “The mercury of the crystals” matures
in this way during several weeks in the light of the sun and the moon
and in consideration of certain planetary constellations. The vessels
have to be swayed rhythmically twice a day every day. Due to the “Secret
Fire”, the mercurius, that is the form giving and healing information
from the gems, dissolves during this process. Moreover the male part
of the sulfur, the “sulfur of mercurius” is extracted. One
of the higher alchemical secrets is, that there exist two different sulfurs:
a male and a female one, to be compared with the male and female part
of the human soul called the Anima and Animus by C.G. Jung. Both sulfurs
must be contained in a high remedy.
The female element of the sulfuric principle is extracted in the following
tedious fire processing and the subsequent dissolution of the gem. Thereonto
the sulfur gets “purified”. first. The gem is repeatedly
annealed and subsequently dipped into a water bath until it has lost
its colour completely – the visible expression of the sulfuric.
According to the alchemical science it is traced back to its formation
process that far, until its mineral matter reaches the “status
nascendi”, that is the moment in which the particular raw material
and the energies join to give birth to the gem.
Thereafter, a part of the gems is annealed further to cinder. The latter
is doused with water several times and the salts are rinsed. The solvent
is evaporated repeatedly and purified and refined again and again until
the substance body has become the pure salic principle. Only now it can
represent the “Corpus” of the later gem essence, which is
its mineral frame.
The other part of the annealed gem is levigated to powder. The latter
is blended with special, so called mercuric water and distilled several
times. Slowly an oily fluid is formed on the bottom of the bulb – the
powdered gem dissolves completely. Amazingly, this oil shines in just
the same colour the gem did before the processing – and this even
though the stone was burnt to colourlessness. A colourless ruby powder
so becomes a red oil again. For an alchemist, such mutation is the visible
expression of a felicitous transformation of the original material into
the secret oil of the gem. This oil corresponds to the female sulfur
of the crystal.
As a last step, the single ingredients, that is the oil, the cinder and
the alcohol of the preparation respectively mercurius, sal and the two
sulfurs get united in several work steps. Here also, certain important
energetic circumstances have to be considered and the whole has to be
circulated several times and has to be charged in the light of the sun,
the moon, the planets and the stars. Only when all steps in this three-stage
and several months lasting process are successful, an actual alchemical
gem essence is generated. Containing the healing power of body, spirit
and soul of the particular gem, the essence is able to harmonise likewise
all three levels in a human being – body, spirit and soul. And
as the stone is purified and transformed to become a high alchemical
remedy, also the prepared gem essence is able to purify and transform
the human being.
the special solvent for metal produced with the help of the “Secret
Fires“, the so called “Philosophical Mercurius” is
doused over the prepared gold, immediately the colour and at
the same time the healing power of the gold is extracted.
In a similar way, the production of healing elixirs is done with
metals, for example the legendary “drinking gold of the alchemist”,
known in the Middle Ages as universal remedy, the “Aurum
potabile” produced from gold. (See also the article of the
last issue: “Rediscovered: The Life Elixirs of Paracelsus”).
With the help of the “Secret Fires” the so called “Philosophical
Mercurius” is here extracted at first, an alternative of
this solvents. With it, the “arty prepared” gold is
doused, whereby it looses its colour in an unexplainable way. The
latter vests in the solvent. The big body of the metal remains
in a whitish colour and reminds of talc. It cannot be reduced chemically
to metallic gold, a factor that cannot be explained by the today
science. “The king (gold) has been bereft of his soul” with
its colour, according to the alchemical terminology. However, in
it the potency and the remedy, the “Arcanum” of the
gold is hidden. The outer body, the remaining rest matter is only
obstructive for evolvement. Great alchemists like Paracelsus and
Basilius Valentinus for example emphasize this time and again in
their works.
The metal extract won by these means is sweeter as sugar and of balsamic
odour after the further processing. It has nothing in common with any
metal colloids, in which the gross body is merely dispensed finely. Just
as little it is comparable with acetone or other extracts of which none
of them is able to free or extract the ensouled principles. After this
most important step, also here a several weeks lasting further processing
takes place until the final healing essence is won.
The great alchemical physicians as Paracelsus have recognised in their
healing activity, that many diseases can only be cured by such special
elixirs forever. The reason for it is due to the fact, that they are
able to dissolve the cause of a ailment simultaneously on all three layers
of a person – body, spirit and soul. The body is strengthened and
the self-healing process is activated. The soul is purified and lightened.
And the spirit is freed, elevated and able to reorient.
Copper is prepared
for the so called “green Lion” (a teal powder and
fluid) and transforms during the distillation to a deep golden
red fluid. The change of colour, very clearly described by
the old alchemists as Isaacus Hollandus, shows the successful
transformation of copper in a high remedy: the copper essence
as a High Arcanum. |
Whoever likes to go further than the abatement of his problems
and really wants to accomplish a fundamental purification of body,
spirit and soul, will experience a similar deep inner process as
the metals and the gems did, passing through the processing of
their essences – “as above so below“. The person
does not only face his hardenings in the body, i.e. the sal, but
also the crystallisation of the spirit and the soul. They have
to be looked over and detached, supposed they cannot be elevated
on a higher level. The emotions, the sulfur, are freed, purified
and the own female and male soul parts newly connected. And spiritually
not only a completely new alignment of the mind has possibly to
take place, but thinking, feeling and acting have to be harmonised
really in the first place.
According to the alchemical teachings, the inner path is also three folded
in the stages of Nigredo (= blackness, sickness, lowest vibration level),
Albedo (= whiteness) and Rubedo (= redness, highest vibration level).
These stages were called after the colours the matter embraces stepwise
during the transformation of the great work (also called “peacock
tail”). The inner transformation supported by the essences of the
Higher Arcana, the High Alchemy according to Paracelsus, is similarly
the great work inside a human being.
Bildquellen: ©Achim Stockhardt
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